Goddammit I just said shit posting irl after someone asked me what I was doing on 2ch
i realized how stupid it sounded after he just sort of looked at me confusedly. then i realized how often i spend on places like 4chan and here.
Jesus, that's pathetic
eh, it's accurate
OP here.
I heard someone say "fam" today.
It's so fucking weird hearing shitty memes irl.
The issue with memes is that they're sort of like a running joke, but one that everyone knows about.
They're the epitome of accessible, and it's pure chance that one of them becomes trendy, not cleverness or skill
Please tell me this isn't real
The last thing I want is shitty African speak spreading everywhere
Even my normie cousin knows it. She texted me with it earlier and when I responded with the tbh (to be honest) thing she just sent a question mark.
Excuse me, what is a "normie"?
We don't use such vulgar words here.
I certainly support the argument that it's far too vulgar to be used in any conversation. Even by those with low standards it is seen as low.
A guy called me fam while I was in the hospital a few months ago. It's okay as long as it's not white people saying it.
OP here, where i'm at it's exclusively white people.
Is 'lollygagging' the real life equivalent?
If it isn't why not use 'shitposting' in real life?
The purpose of language is to convey meaning, not to fit in
This thread reeks of 4chan
What a terrible thread.
Even though you use 8ch, you still reek of 4chan.
What a hopeless userbase. Not any different, are you?
Were >>18-20 supposed to be arguments?
They certainly didn't convince me of anything except that there are some idiots on this forum.
and so you're going to use ad hominem to attack people using ad hominem
And what makes you think it's okay for ethnic people to do it? Regardless of your race, it makes you look stupid.
He's probably criticizing >>20 for being so elitist
I mean >>17