4chan is owned by the founder of 2ch. (138)

8 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2015-09-23 03:09 ID:Heaven

For reference
https://twitter(. )com/4chan/status/645960714478329857
https://www.4chan(. )org/news
This is 2channel old owner that did the whole data mining scandal.

    |∧∧|       (( ) )   (( ) )  ((⌒ )
 __(;゚Д゚)___   (( ) )   (( ⌒ )  (( ) )
 | ⊂l 4chan l⊃|    ノ火.,、   ノ人., 、  ノ人.,、
  ̄ ̄|.|.  .|| ̄ ̄   γノ)::)  γノ)::)   γノ)::)
    |.|=.=.||       ゝ人ノ  ゝ火ノ   ゝ人ノ
    |∪∪|        ||∧,,∧ ||∧,,∧  ||  ボォオ
    |    |      ∧ (´・ω・) (・ω・`) ∧∧
    |    |      ( ´・ω) U) ( つと ノ(ω・` )
   ~~~~~~~~     | U (  ´・) (・`  ). .と ノ
              u-u (    ) (   ノ u-u
                  `u-u'. `u-u'
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