Imageboards are dying in the Western World (88)

38 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2019-09-27 18:32 ID:RFc/U+Zh

Did I write this post? That's literally my exact thought on the topic. It pisses me off how a forum with such a superbly ethical structure is antagonized simply because its moderation neither condones nor condemns the content hosted there. Whereas, a service like Facebook can be literally the biggest hotbed for animal abuse, child pornography, and hate speech and be accepted in the mainstream simply because they allow themselves to be chastised. Imageboards are literally the epitome of clearnet: public forums that anyone can participate in. Facebook, in contrast, is predominantly darknet and is literally designed to cultivate echo chambers.

This whole situation makes me so devastated. Sure, imageboards are 99% shitposting, but what about that 1% spark of /real/ contact? Real human interactions, not facilitated by some Big Other, not sterilized by a mainstream consensus about what's pedagogically and politically Good. Imageboards never cared about my gender, socioeconmic status, age, race. Everyone always treated my as an equal, which is why I was constantly abased. But, in the midst of it all, there's always that spark of--by sheer entropy-friendship and love. I loved everyone on those stupid sites. I don't like posting on 4chan nowadays, but it always made me happy that someone else in my place could come along and join a community like that. Even if I never recieved credit for my contributions, I was so happy to participate. The very thought filled me up with goopy, squirmy joy. Now that I know the longevity of such cultures is much smaller than I anticipated, I feel scared and lonely. I want to kill myself. I really do. Everything I've ever done, everything I've ever worked for, down the drain. Versions of myself, unfortunate enough to have grown up during this political climate will be alienated and ostracized with no avail, no light at the end. I want to die.

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