Imageboards are dying in the Western World (88)

58 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2019-11-29 19:21 ID:Heaven

It’s partially a good thing because if you know what you want and you’ve been around for a while, you can safely have your happy place without much immediate need of worrying about newfags, for lack of a better word. I agree that small communities are still prevalent; just not as apparent.

But the feeling of the net at large really is a drag... Like, it’s one of the few things that actually bothers me nowadays. Good sites are regularly founded and destroyed / corporatized and perverted, and it’s annoying. YouTube is probably the most popular example of this. While I don’t contest that if you know how to find them, small niche worthwhile communities are widely discoverable, it really is just not the same.

I’m going somewhat out on a limb here, but with web 2.0 things like constant meta discussion and typical issues of static forums et al tend to just make it really a let-down to access the smaller communities. “Is this place good? Will it be fucked soon? How do I know and why should I care?”

I maintain that the internet just isn’t the little bastion of enjoyment (to me) that it once was. People know what a meme is. They know about the things we love, but they don’t understand it. They can’t. It’s a concept that is almost no longer

Some say the internet has now pervaded our collective consciousness, and this is very true, but it’s also true that meatspace has invaded this place that once was uniquely special. It doesn’t have that overall charm.

And I’m very much harping, here, and being a total classic “internet veteran”. But I’m sure many of you will agree with me when I say that the overarching spirit that this place once had is much different now and that it’s kind of a bummer... There are good places that I still enjoy. I don’t mind slow sites. But many places I really liked are now defunct and I think web 2.0 is partly to blame for occurrences like; where a YouTuber can upload a 15 minute long video with a clickbait thumbnail and talk to you about redundant bullshit and get seven hundred million views, where places like small grassroots imageboards are almost now no longer a thing

Sage for posterity, please rape my face, etc.

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