Goodbye world2ch! (67)

7 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2018-04-03 10:09 ID:1FdMJeX1

It doesn't have to.

What more is it now than what it had become, like this place. All these places. An outpost of forgotten lore sporadically frequented by people that really have not much to say anymore. That uncomfortable feeling like a high school reunion permeates the atmosphere with a noxious cloud of ennui.

If you weren't a part of it before, why on earth would you want to be now? It's a closed loop, not even a social club. It could be that I've fallen prey to cynicism having seen the demise of countless communities but I fail to see how it could be any different, if it is now gone.

There are of course going to be "pour one out for the memory of fallen anonymii" sentiments, only what we are left with is not beauty but an unpleasant aftertaste of normalcy. Ultimately it found us even here, insidiously sucking away all the feelings we once felt.

I could write more on the subject but it's no more than personal feelings that reflect that same level of detachment. I don't know anymore. I've learned it is best to limit expectations.

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