Why are imageboards filled with so many religious fanatics and conservatives these days? (36)

9 Name: 401 - Unauthorized Name : 2021-08-10 07:56 ID:P7ulsQLN

1)Because they're not oldfags and western young people IRL are returning to their religions these years.
2)New Atheism movement failed, spawning the antifedora memes last bunch of years, becoming undesirable to identify as one.
3)An interest on traditionalist/perennialist authors like Evola and Guenon arose, spawning memes like "Retvrn to tradition". Vaporwave promoted these.
4)An increase on feminist and LGTB groups this decade caused a natural masive reaction against them.
5)God may be real and chose to make His moves both irl and on the net, sending "messengers" to nests of vice like 4channel, etc. Who knows, someone like moot or Hiroyuki could convert and be a new Paul.

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