Gikopoi thread! (40)

1 Name: 409 - Name Conflict : 2022-07-26 12:54 ID:AFEl7b+A

Gikopoi is a fun 2ch-themed Flash game -- it's similar to IRC or a Habbo Hotel without AIDS. We got:

  • loli streams
  • alcoholism
  • people from all over the globe
  • chicks with dicks
  • old time iichan/saovq lurkers

What do you think of this game?
General discussion, chat, secrets, rumors, etc thread!

2 Name: 405 - Name Not Allowed : 2022-07-26 12:57 ID:H7bxCJrm

i hate it

3 Name: 405 - Name Not Allowed : 2022-07-26 19:56 ID:Heaven

I'll return once again on new years eve at least.

4 Name: 415 - Unsupported Name Type : 2022-07-27 00:27 ID:Heaven

I can't believe I wrote 409...

5 Name: 415 - Unsupported Name Type : 2022-07-27 17:40 ID:Chav8Phz

Good, because you have to. Unless you want your internet license revoked.

6 Name: 410 - Name Gone : 2022-07-28 12:14 ID:CNwue52Q

Members of the tranny/groomer circlejerk:

  • bon
  • maf
  • feor

7 Name: 415 - Unsupported Name Type : 2022-07-28 12:53 ID:uqEk+HUN

It's, Archduke.

8 Name: 408 - Name Request Timeout : 2022-07-28 16:42 ID:3rhtG7Fa

don't mess with the tiger

9 Name: 410 - Name Gone : 2022-07-29 16:18 ID:Chav8Phz

There's new drama against the "loli cabal" and the "trap circlejerk". Moon is mixed up about who is worse. At least the pedos (lolicon) mostly keep out of the way and aren't antisocial.

10 Name: 415 - Unsupported Name Type : 2022-07-29 18:14 ID:91dRLdp9

that's one way to look at things

11 Name: 403 - Name Forbidden : 2022-07-29 21:11 ID:h3Lz7Dsw

Both are fine desu.

12 Name: 406 - Name Not Acceptable : 2022-08-02 06:55 ID:Heaven


13 Name: 415 - Unsupported Name Type : 2022-08-03 20:48 ID:91dRLdp9

maybe you suck

14 Name: 405 - Name Not Allowed : 2022-08-04 06:55 ID:Heaven


15 Name: 401 - Unauthorized Name : 2022-08-04 12:47 ID:SDhatx6S

hi Im new whats this gikopoi you keep talking about?

16 Name: 408 - Name Request Timeout : 2022-08-04 12:56 ID:91dRLdp9 is fun and cute that's all you need to know. go to _for if you don't know japanese. you play as cute AA characters like giko and shii

17 Name: 406 - Name Not Acceptable : 2022-08-18 19:02 ID:9smDFq1E

i love it

18 Name: 415 - Unsupported Name Type : 2022-08-21 11:57 ID:MT+zHEOi

don't come to gikopoi please if you are a disc*rd user

19 Name: 408 - Name Request Timeout : 2022-08-22 07:17 ID:sMwAvgIP

poster >>18 is a discord user

20 Name: 410 - Name Gone : 2022-08-22 07:18 ID:sMwAvgIP


21 Name: 406 - Name Not Acceptable : 2022-08-22 08:26 ID:MT+zHEOi

you can't be a discord user and a poi user at the same time. it is physically impossible

22 Name: 410 - Name Gone : 2022-08-24 12:47 ID:BFg2ZGet

Explain Gikobois then. It's got iccanobif, Rosuto, Archduke, CATARP, and all the rest of the old timers.

23 Name: 406 - Name Not Acceptable : 2022-08-24 19:07 ID:SzD9pjuQ

what's there to explain

24 Name: 408 - Name Request Timeout : 2022-09-13 17:19 ID:XE4i7FE8

CATARP is very rude, give him a slap next time you see em

25 Name: 422 - Unprocessable Name : 2022-09-17 00:06 ID:gbIT8qYl

i will slap >>24

26 Name: 410 - Name Gone : 2023-10-31 21:13 ID:mDfDJEZu

And soon I'll return once again. Poipoi of course.

27 Name: 406 - Name Not Acceptable : 2023-11-28 00:49 ID:P2RX+ql3 has resurrected the old Flash Gikopoi concept of locking certain characters behind a password with our latest update.

Ctrl-Shift-9 at the login screen opens this password box.

As a special present for members of 4-ch, here's how to unlock the NEW ``Giko Gold" exclusive character:

* join with the name VIPPER, or
* enter the password VIPQUALITY

Enjoy your special present!

28 Name: 406 - Name Not Acceptable : 2023-12-09 16:41 ID:pTKesFOZ

gikopoipoi is better

29 Name: 422 - Unprocessable Name : 2024-02-03 15:40 ID:AXAOOsFM now has a bot (named, public domain) with utterly unasked for features such as :

  • Games:

    • Blackjack
    • Craps
    • Roulette
    • Video Poker
  • Random quote

    • Gikopoi
    • Bible
    • Dhammapada
  • Divination

    • Magic 8ball
    • Fortune cookie
    • Tarot
    • I Ching
  • Meta:

    • Email
    • Bank transfer
    • Kick (100 gikocoin)
    • Ban (1000 gikocoin)
    • Ban list (free)
    • Unban (50 gikocoin)
  • Finance:

    • Currency exchange
    • Stock lookup

30 Name: 422 - Unprocessable Name : 2024-02-03 15:43 ID:Heaven

There is also an IRC relay bot in the bar room with #gikopoi, but it's implemented poorly, so you get what you pay for.

Previous captcha: town
current captcha: lab

31 Name: 405 - Name Not Allowed : 2024-03-03 10:46 ID:Q2wCcRey

bump courtesy of guts from berserk

32 Name: 415 - Unsupported Name Type : 2024-03-31 20:05 ID:xz1Lbeh5

Forced anonymous serverwide on for April Fool's day, additionally all users are the Sageru Bee

33 Name: 401 - Unauthorized Name : 2024-04-14 22:56 ID:byIVHIck

I'm confused should I play Gikopoi or Gikopoipoi?

34 Name: 403 - Name Forbidden : 2024-04-29 12:36 ID:YBYooWpW

Why not both?

35 Post deleted.

36 Name: 422 - Unprocessable Name : 2024-05-22 15:25 ID:b0CQ7Tyj

Ugh, when did Gikopoipoi get full of pedos?

At least the nazi problem is kind of dying out...?

37 Name: 401 - Unauthorized Name : 2024-05-23 09:51 ID:Heaven

>Ugh, when did Gikopoipoi get full of pedos?

Where do you think you are?

38 Name: 405 - Name Not Allowed : 2024-05-23 15:28 ID:Heaven

I like to think that /iaa/ isn't full of pedophiles and that you're in the minority.

39 Name: 405 - Name Not Allowed : 2024-06-01 04:43 ID:JCL0NVHd

Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be pedophiles will eventually be flooded by actual pedophiles who mistakenly believe that they're in good company.

40 Name: 409 - Name Conflict : 2024-07-15 16:40 ID:RG+UUV2D

Fellow goyim we must address the nazi problem

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