POV: It's 2006 and you spelled Google wrong accidentally (FIXED) (6)

1 Name: 422 - Unprocessable Name : 2022-08-31 06:52 ID:McJ7bSua

Here's a fixed version of my Tech-related nostalgia AA Comic with a panel i forgot to add.

2 Name: 408 - Name Request Timeout : 2022-08-31 06:53 ID:McJ7bSua

        /      \
       /  ─    ─\
     /    (●)  (●) \    *surfing the web*
     |       (__人__)    | ___________
     \      ` ⌒´   ,/ | |             |
___/           \ | |             |
| | /    ,                | |             |
| | /   ./             | |             |
| | | ⌒ ーnnn          |_|___________|
 ̄ \__、("二) ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄     _|_|__|_

        /      \
       / ─    ─ \
     /   (●)  (●)  \    I'm going to google something...
     |      (__人__)     | ___________
     \    `⌒ ´    ,/ | |             |
___/           \ | |             |
| | /    ,                | |             |
| | /   ./             | |             |
| | | ⌒ ーnnn          |_|___________|
 ̄ \__、("二) ̄ ̄ ̄l二二l二二  _|_|__|_

3 Name: 405 - Name Not Allowed : 2022-08-31 06:53 ID:McJ7bSua

        /      \
       /  ─    ─\
     /    (●)  (●) \    *opens a new tab*
     |       (__人__)    | ___________
     \      ` ⌒´   ,/ | |             |
___/           \ | |             |
| | /    ,                | |             |
| | /   ./             | |             |
| | | ⌒ ーnnn          |_|___________|
 ̄ \__、("二) ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄     _|_|__|_

        /      \
       /  ─    ─\
     /    ( ・)  ( ・)\        *types in goggle.com instead*
     |       (__人__)    | ___________
     \      ` ⌒´   ,/ | |             |
___/           \ | |             |
| | /    ,                | |             |
| | /   ./             | |             |
| | | ⌒ ーnnn          |_|___________|
 ̄ \__、("二) ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄     _|_|__|_

4 Name: 403 - Name Forbidden : 2022-08-31 06:54 ID:McJ7bSua

        /      \
       /  ─    ─\
     /    ( ・)  ( ・)\        Why did i spell Google wrong?
     |       (__人__)    | ___________
     \      ` ⌒´   ,/ | |             |
___/           \ | |             |
| | /    ,                | |             |
| | /   ./             | |             |
| | | ⌒ ーnnn          |_|___________|
 ̄ \__、("二) ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄     _|_|__|_

        /      \
       /  ─    ─\
     /    ( ・)  ( ・)\        *ads and tech support scams spam the screen and installs SpySheriff*
     |       (__人__)    | ___________
     \      ` ⌒´   ,/ | |             |
___/           \ | |             |
| | /    ,                | |             |
| | /   ./             | |             |
| | | ⌒ ーnnn          |_|___________|
 ̄ \__、("二) ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄     _|_|__|_

5 Name: 406 - Name Not Acceptable : 2022-08-31 06:55 ID:McJ7bSua

        /     \
   /::::::::: ( ○)三(○)\       God f***... WHAT HAVE I DONE?!?
    |   、" ゙)(__人__)ル ゚。 ゚     ___________
   \      ゝ'゚      ≦ 三 ゚ | |             |
__/     。≧       三 = | |             |
| | /    ,   -ァ,       ≧=  .| |             |
| | /   /    .イレ,、       >  | |             |
| | | ⌒ ーnnn ,≦`Vヾ  ヾ ≧   |_|___________|
 ̄ \__、("二)。゚ /。・イハ 、\、l二二l二二 _|_|__|_

    /:::::⌒(__人__)⌒:::::\     I JUST SPELLED GOOGLE.COM WRONG!!!
    | ヽ il´ |r┬-|`li r   | ___________
    \  !l ヾェェイ l!  /..| |             |
___/           \ | |             |
| | /    ,                | |             |
| | /   ./             | |             |
| | | ⌒ ーnnn       "/ |_|___________|
 ̄ \__、("二) ̄ ̄ ̄l二二l二二  _|_|__|_
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

Aww, how painful typos used to be back in the day...

6 Name: 410 - Name Gone : 2022-08-31 08:51 ID:s4MHgg3Q

I learned about porn when I was on a slow ass Mac in the school library and tried to go to yahoo.com but instead, because the first few keypresses failed to register, went to "hoo.com" (at the time some obnoxious porn site, not a crypto exchange.)

I closed the site before an adult saw me, then visited it in the privacy of my own home later.

We used a Mac at home too so I didn't get a virus.

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