Any 2chan anime? (7)

1 Name: 403 - Name Forbidden : 2023-12-03 00:41 ID:ik2ntonf

I know there is the Densha Otoko series but it's already there, and it's not even an anime, if you know of any anime put it here

2 Name: 408 - Name Request Timeout : 2023-12-03 10:23 ID:FdCFythN

Meaning what exactly?
Do you want something centered around the use of a BBS?

3 Name: 415 - Unsupported Name Type : 2023-12-03 17:05 ID:ik2ntonf

yes, or else about animes

4 Name: 409 - Name Conflict : 2023-12-05 02:29 ID:ik2ntonf

Welcome to the NHK

5 Name: 406 - Name Not Acceptable : 2023-12-05 22:31 ID:7Fd+DHxj

Steins;Gate touches a bit on @channel which is clearly just 2channel. I wouldn't say that it's heavily centered on any BBS though.

6 Name: 422 - Unprocessable Name : 2023-12-06 12:58 ID:DMmxWB4v

The anime Steins Gate isn't as good as the VN. Its not heavily centered on it, but its key to a bunch of characters meeting and the whole John Titor legend comes from a BBS. 2channel appears a lot in anime from the 2000s (e.g. Konata using it). I don't know if there are actual anime focused on it. There's Suicide Club which is loosely about 2channel's suicide board.

7 Name: 403 - Name Forbidden : 2025-01-26 06:01 ID:xiEouqQk

I think the short series 'Danna ga Nani wo Itteiru ka Wakaranai Ken' has a character addicted to a certain bulletin board

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