Working on a new textboard, any feedback? (9)

4 Name: 415 - Unsupported Name Type : 2024-01-12 01:25 ID:Heaven

The truth is we don't need more textboards or more textboard softwares. We need more people to want to use them or a niche community that decides to use one. The best textboard software is either Kareha or something built to imitate it as much as possible.
Just look at this thread, immaculate perfection. Looks great on desktop, looks great on mobile.
Yours is kind of an eyesore. The colors while not completely your design are painful to read, the font is annoying and the whitespace is a bit too big. Here it's comfortable and easy to read. Everything is spotless.

Even just putting a grey-ish background, black text color, and removing the uncomfortable font your BBS becomes much more readable and less straining on the eyes.

If one wants to use a tag system then a Kareha clone with tags instead of boards would suffice. It doesn't need to be more unique than that, and in fact it may actually serve to alienate a few people who otherwise would be interested.

Also poipoi is the one true site also the game.

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