I only usually visit this textboard, I don't know if there is any other one in English that is just as active, i would enter 2ch or 5ch but I don't live in Japan and I don't even know Japanese
Obviously here
Also SAOVQ, sageru.org dis.tinychan, textboard.org, bbs.gikopoi, boards.graybox, etc
Looks like SAoVQ is being DDOS'd?
I can't post there or on the PostOffice.
>>2 is right. That is the most active textboard even if it sucks Kuz’s AIDS ridden cock.
This thread was obviously made only to be repeatedly bumped to shill shituri.
globohomo shillery for the most retarded retards.
globohetero organic promotion for the most smartest aryans
Danger/u/ is pretty active.