Textboard cliques (15)

3 Name: 409 - Name Conflict : 2024-12-09 01:08 ID:Heaven

My thoughts on obscure textboards that get made every month or so in what I assume to be for fun coding projects, doesn't it make more sense if everyone joined forces and instead attempted to cultivate activity on existing and somewhat alive textboards?

4-ch for example has a broad range of boards and long term relatively active in comparison with fly by day textboards that come and go at a whim. If everyone tried to grow threads and discussions there (anywhere but the General board where idiots go), would it not have a bigger and longer lasting impact on the future of textboards? I've seen so many textboards come and go, but there's only two that I've kept visiting all these years because they never die and I know my thread will still be there next year if I want to revive a discussion.

I try to do my part in keeping the two boards I go to somewhat alive, but they could genuinely grow if people were to bring more passion to them by bringing creating a thread for a topic that interests them and bringing a few like minded people to join those threads in particular so they stick around long term for other threads too.

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