DLSite caves to Visa and Mastercard (4)

1 Name: 401 - Unauthorized Name : 2025-02-25 19:59 ID:zT02DEYn

As of today, works with various tags have been filtered from DLSite in the West. It's currently unknown how many things have been filtered. The most famous tag that is gone is "petite" (formerly known as loli).
Try and search for any game with the tag, and then search for it by VPN from Japan instead.
Here is the link to games tagged as "petite", try it from any Western nation, then again from Japan.

This is believed to be due to the pressure from Mastercard and Visa who have seemingly cut them off previously, along with Pixiv and other sites who have been economically forced in to censorship.

2 Name: 403 - Name Forbidden : 2025-02-25 20:07 ID:zT02DEYn

10 months ago, this also happened
DLGetchu has sent an email to creators that they are no longer going to sell anything under the genres the credit card companies blacklisted

3 Name: 415 - Unsupported Name Type : 2025-02-25 21:52 ID:dcIXZzU7

I'm sure the cryptobros will come up with a viable solution, won't they?

4 Name: 403 - Name Forbidden : 2025-02-26 04:50 ID:Heaven

They already accept crypto because of this. It is a viable solution if you don't mind lower sales volume.
Knock on crypto all you want for the scam shitcoin market, but to make fun of crypto for the one thing it actually works well for and is being used for in trillion dollar industries to avoid laws and regulations is pretty stupid.

I know someone who was persistently claiming they'd never accept crypto (too old to understand, didn't like it), then they got blocked by all the banks and alternative payment providers out there and now they only accept crypto and their sales volume is the same as before. If there's a will there's a market.

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