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File: 1618119425455.png -(368455 B, 381x512) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
368455 No.1242  

Cracky transitioned in both sex and race

>> No.1243  

Damn that's crazy dude

>> No.1244  

black penis

>> No.1245  

If THAT's Cracky I dont get the fascination

>> No.1246  

>>1245 >>1245 Guess you had to be there.

I just tried to find pics of a different 4chan camwhore I remember, and couldn't find anything on her, so that's good! I feel sorry for them all, feeling the need to do it in the first place then probably regretting it

>> No.1252  

Cool it with the transphobia

>> No.1255  

A lot of them are traumatized now, they'll never be able to escape it. Even 15 years later people are still stalking them. Fuck all the crackheads keeping her trauma alive. You don't love her or else you would stop. She'll never even so much as say hi to any of you.

>> No.1256  

The crackhead sites log IPs by the way.

>> No.1257  

Cope, seethe and dilate

>> No.1258  

Aobased and nenepilled

>> No.1298  

>It's real

>> No.1299  
File: 1618521261063.jpg -(357342 B, 1280x824) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>A lot of them are traumatized now
I think that's a bit exaggerated, I doubt many remember it more than a stupid thing they did when they were young.
Cracky is a different story, because there are people still making websites about her and such, but I doubt even girls that went nude on stickam really remember much of it simply because of how long it has been and how much of it has been lost to time. That makes me feel even worse for the people doing things like this now, because not a lot of it is going to fade away anymore.

>> No.1300  


There are a few pretty bad cases. Traumatized wasn't the right word, but in some cases, it's not too far off. Of course this really only applies to the memorable ones.

>> No.1301  

Creepychan became a model

>> No.1307  

>>1256 proof?

>> No.1308  
File: 1618542619259.jpg -(441382 B, 768x1024) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>She'll never even so much as say hi to any of you.

o rly?

>> No.1321  

I love the powers of extortion

>> No.1322  

Holy shit that takes me back T__T

>> No.1359  
File: 1618888533172.jpg -(906889 B, 2316x3088) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


Fun fact about that article, Kathleen (formerly known as "Loli-chan") is still around. She was on the crackyverse Discord a few weeks ago begging for drug money. She puts on Cracky makeup (pic related) hoping crackyfags will give her money to buy ketamine and LSD.

>> No.1361  

Everybody involved should feel deep shame.

>> No.1383  

>Cope, seethe

GTFO zoomer

>> No.1384  
File: 1619086480693.jpg -(26745 B, 620x480) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

This is now a Boxxy thread.

>> No.1385  
File: 1619086534315.jpg -(10272 B, 258x206) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No.1386  
File: 1619086565184.png -(236116 B, 601x481) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No.1387  
File: 1619086639850.jpg -(68672 B, 750x600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No.1388  
File: 1619086683504.jpg -(7218 B, 480x360) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No.1390  
File: 1619094569000.jpg -(58049 B, 496x481) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

this is now a Harambe thread

>> No.1409  
File: 1619226726829.jpg -(91682 B, 956x720) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Screenshot from her recent lockdown livestream

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