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I used to love /jp/, Desuchan and iichan but they're basically gone.

Heyuri feels forced.
Modern /g/ is just awful.
Every /jp/ spinoff is garbage or dead.
Tor imageboards are mostly filled with edgy 4channers.

Anyone else here got this problem?

>> No.1760  
File: 1623454660867.jpg (18137 B, 400x640) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

imageboards are dead as a part of internet culture so go ahead and just find something else to waste your time on

>> No.1762  
File: 1623482260295.png (3719615 B, 1920x1080) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

The new gen of imageboard posters are too indebted to the new form of internet surrounding them. The cool people that used to post on imageboards either killed themselves or moved on and turned into normalfags. Considering this the best advice for you is to move on with your life as well.
Or post on 4-ch, the retirement home for imageboard users.

>> No.1764  

Alas I greatly miss iichan/wakachan/shanachan/whatever

>> No.1771  

I made a new one recently. It's a little rough around the edges and doesn't have a whole lot of activity but the rules are about as loose as I could make them and keep the host, and anyone can make their own board!

I'm a little apprehensive about shilling, and I'm kinda bad at websites anyway, but feel free to come check us out at smolbox.pw and see if you like it. I hope to see you have some fun!

>> No.1772  
File: 1623523743004.jpg (734752 B, 1024x662) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>>1764 Yeah, lots of happy memories, the kind you ain't buy how much you pay

>> No.1774  


>the kind you ain't buy how much you pay


>> No.1775  

   >┴<   ⊂⊃
...-(・∀・)-         ⊂⊃    Happy days
   >┬<       ワーイ
       J( 'ー`)し ('∀` )    Memories you ain't buy how much you pay.
        (  )\('∀`) )
        ||  (_ _)||
;;⌒::.;;.⌒⌒/   /| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/   /::. :; ;⌒⌒:.:⌒:;⌒;;⌒
..  ,::.;  /   /| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/   /.., ,; .:   ,,。,.(◯)   ::
  : :::., /   /| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/   /,,;  (◯)  ::: ヽ|〃  ;;:
.  ,:.; /   /| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/   /.., ,; :ヽ|〃  ,,。,    ::;;,

>> No.1776  

We have no home. The old world is gone, so it's best we move on. Everything changes, everything dies. Nothing gold can stay.

>> No.1779  

this is my current home

>> No.1784  
File: 1623667268409.png (1125522 B, 1024x768) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Imageboards should not feel like home. You are supposed to try them, use them for maybe a few years, get bored of them, then move on with your life.

>> No.1785  
File: 1623677570235.gif (1936600 B, 540x230) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

There are over 200 chans (image/text board) out there that you can find, and a few "experimental" ones that aren't exactly chans but still adhere to the culture. Some chans get one post a week and some get many hourly posts. The best chans in my opinion are the ones active enough to not be completely dead but not too hyper-active to lose the "chan mood"... anything gets too popular and they turn into SHIT.

I've done "expeditions" through massive chan indexes and found ~40 great chans with comfortable atmospheres that I like to actively visit.

>> No.1786  

>and anyone can make their own board!
So in other words, it's dead from the start.

>> No.1821  
File: 1624098752068.jpg (424616 B, 1779x625) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

No thanks

>> No.1870  
File: 1624440183619.gif (768035 B, 854x480) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


This is true, it's not as bleak as a lot of older users like to paint it but there are issues with the medium itself these days as well.
One thing is that a lot of users are wandering around the internet looking for a different time, and get upset when they can't find the same feelings and activities of their youth. I sometimes wonder if the general melancholy around imageboards are the users trying to deal with aging.

Another issue is the anemia of the userbase, this is well known though, and I think that mixed with the adversarial nature many communities have towards each other these days could make for an interesting research topic. There have to be less than 5,000 non-4chan imageboard users, especially now that Krautchan died in name and spirit.
But at the same time, considering that things like actual BBSes are still used, I don't think they'll ever die out. Just become a niche hobby thing comparable to those protocols, especially as the median age of the userbase ages.

My recommendation is to find an interest you really like and find where the community for that gathers rather than trying to fit in with communities centered around the use and culture of a software.
This may also sound normalfag as fuck, but go out there and try to have fun and live your life while you still can with the time you still have being "young", like what you like but try to live in the now instead of trying to chase the past. You don't want regrets about missing out when you're old. Thanks for reading my blog sorry if I got too preachy there.

>> No.1946  
File: 1625341276130.gif (221006 B, 760x509) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No.1971  

>Or post on 4-ch, the retirement home for imageboard users.
>home for imageboard users
And that's the problem with modern-day 4-ch.

>> No.1972  

>I'm a little apprehensive about shilling, and I'm kinda bad at websites anyway, but feel free to come check us out at smolbox.pw
Patch, you are the absolute scum of the internet. The fact that your meaningless online pseudonym is ingrained in my head proves how much of a dedicated spammer you are.

>> No.1973  

Wake up. This isn't real, Don

>> No.2044  


>> No.2061  
File: 1627079502979.jpg (117761 B, 633x876) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Thank you for being a fiend

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