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File: 1624270162043.gif -(4165007 B, 318x180) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
4165007 No.1841  

Post gifs of cool moves, talk about your favourite matches or wrestlers, thoughts on different styles of wrestling...

Personally I don't “follow” wrestling, but I'm fascinated by the art and history of the business. In particular I find interesting the impact the Internet and video games had on changing the industry from the 90s onwards. I'd say that's the cut-off and catalyst between “old” and “modern” wrestling. It changed both the audience participation in/reception of the product, and the mindset of new wrestlers coming into the profession.

>> No.1847  
File: 1624275941061.gif -(2054951 B, 318x243) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>In particular I find interesting the impact the Internet and video games had on changing the industry from the 90s onwards. I'd say that's the cut-off and catalyst between “old” and “modern” wrestling. It changed both the audience participation in/reception of the product, and the mindset of new wrestlers coming into the profession.

The audience participation and a lot of the "modern" aspects are because of the revolutionary cult known as ECW, the fans pretty much made it and those polemic, western chants pretty much became widespread from it. That promotion getting popular combined with the internet making fans much "smarter" in an insider way, I think is what changed the western culture massively. I also think the internet is overly blamed by older fans for their perceived downfall of the product and its mainstream popularity.
It also spread the "anything but WWE/WCW" attitude that you see often to this day and made people defend things like Hogan/Bischoff TNA like cultists. The mindset of new wrestlers is something I can't comment on.

>> No.1849  

ENOUGH with roll ups and disqualifications please ENOUGH

>> No.1851  

It started out kind of poopy, but then it got right. It's a good little extreme. I thought Punk was going to poop again, but even with his basic moves, Randy Orton was a sight to behold. (****)

>> No.1852  

Disgusting shit. I don't like CM Punk, but even I think pulling this kind of shit is inhumane. It's a sin to call it wrestling. CM Punk's long run was a fucking waste. Punk didn't want to try. Rock is physically incapable of wrestling because he's just a pile of steroid mass. Kicking, kicking, jackknifing, wallowing and lying down, cringe-worthy blackouts. And it all ends with a secondary finisher, or rather a "clown elbow kick to the lying opponent. " (-***)

>> No.1853  
File: 1624285154738.gif -(2013317 B, 301x203) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>>1847 Yeah, that's what I meant, the Internet opened the gates for a lot more smarks, and ECW was the perfect environment at the right time for that to happen. Not that there weren't smarks or “audience participation” before then, I didn't necessarily just mean the chants and stuff. I agree with you about the Internet taking all of the blame; the Attitude era wouldn't have happened without ECW being extreme first, but I think one should take into account the wider cultural climate of the time, along with grunge, extreme sports, South Park, Jerry Springer, things like that, everything was grittier and more “radical”. Some just put the blame solely on Vince Russo for taking it that way and thus causing everything bad about wrestling today, but I don't think it was just him.

>> No.1854  
File: 1624285873925.gif -(1288577 B, 397x264) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

As for the mindset of wrestlers today, what I meant was how 30 years ago they maybe came from either a wrestling background and trained as a wrestler all their life, or they came from amateur wrestling, or football/hockey, or bodybuilding. While that is still the case for lots of them today, there seems to be a lot of geeky wrestlers who grew up playing WWF No Mercy and the Smackdown games etc, and this is reflected in the matches they put together. They learned all the moves from Create-A-Wrestler mode and they want to do them all - their matches are full of devastating moves and all kinds of death defying stunts, which they get right back up from, unhurt. It's impressive seeing these athletic feats but doesn't make for a good cohesive wrestling match.

>> No.1862  

Only Jericho and his swollen little belly could show such fucked up shit in the debut match of one of the greatest wrestlers ever. Just a fucking shame, poor, poor AJ got involved with the pesky company bug who wanted his belly button on every screen in the country. (*1/4)

>> No.1867  

the comments of this video show a lot of varying attitudes regarding the current product. It's kinda weird how these people want things to look real but ignore the current wave of hardcore actually being alive again with ICW NHB, H20, GCW, etc

>> No.1868  
File: 1624367098983.gif -(7003357 B, 400x300) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

My top 5 favourite matches:

Necro Butcher vs Samoa joe

Mick Foley vs Randy Orton

Vince McMahon and Shane McMahon vs Shawn Michaels & God

Rey Mysterio vs Psicosis

Minoru Suzuki vs Takuma Sano

>> No.1885  
File: 1624666546553.gif -(5950290 B, 480x360) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Check out this cool move

>> No.1888  

Here's one of my favorites
Losing Team Must Split Up Six Sides Of Steel Cage Match
America's Most Wanted (Chris Harris & James Storm) vs. Triple X (Christopher Daniels & Primetime) - TNA Turning Point 2004
This one of the best tag team matches I have seen in my entire life.
>Necro Butcher vs Samoa joe
This one was so brutal that it sort of turned me off to hardcore stuff.

>> No.1889  

>Personally I don't “follow” wrestling
I also don't blame you. Internet fans at least, are some of the most negative fans of anything I have ever seen to the point where I wonder why some stick around and this is from someone who doesn't really watch the modern product often.
I think the dirtsheets being so easily accessible along with the fading popularity of it (even though the E still can set attendance records) has made an incredibly jaded fanbase.

>> No.1890  

Joe also grinned and bore it too much. He used to have an aura about him but TNA's bad writing by the end of his 2nd run kinda took any ability of the audience to take him serious

>> No.1892  
File: 1624748883324.gif -(5468770 B, 320x240) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>>1888 That was good, I hate handcuff spots but the hurricanrana off the top was crazy!

>Necro Butcher vs Samoa joe This one was so brutal that it sort of turned me off to hardcore stuff.
It's certainly brutal, it gave me nightmares for a while after I first saw it - the bits of his head dripping onto the floor aaaaaa XD

For me it was the opposite though. I remember hearing about CZW when I was younger, that they smashed glass and breezeblocks off each other, I thought that sounded really stupid. Later in life finding that Necro match, and discovering Cactus Jack before he was Mankind, then all the Tournament Of Death and King Of The Deathmatch stuff, kinda gave me a new appreciation in general for what wrestlers do. I have a weird admiration for these deathmatch guys bleeding almost to death for 20 people in some barn, passionate humans sacrificing their bodies for their art and to entertain the fans.

>> No.1897  
File: 1624794124599.gif -(4039247 B, 480x270) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>I have a weird admiration for these deathmatch guys bleeding almost to death for 20 people in some barn
I get that. I even have been to a show like that but that's also sort of why I desperately miss ECW. A lot of wrestling is largely made by the crowd and some of these extreme wrestlers deserve more admiration and big crowd pops. That's why I like Goldberg even though he has very little actual wrestling ability.

Goldberg vs. Hulk Hogan - WCW World Title - Nitro 06/07/1998
This is the other side of wrestling, the opening gives me chills

>> No.1898  

They barely do anything here and the crowd is losing their shit, for fucks sake they got them to cheer for no-selling

>> No.1906  

I'm a fag so I like it but I dont get what straight dudes see in it.

>> No.1912  
File: 1624916472226.png -(725024 B, 1052x1008) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>>1906 I'm straight and I'll get on to the aspects that fascinate me later, but that general homoeroticism is in my mind sometimes when I watch matches. I'm watching and enjoying the technical skill of two expert wrestlers getting in and out of and reversing each other's holds, but at the same time I'm thinking, these big sweaty men groping each other all over, in any other context would be super gay. Think of the Undertaker, he chose to finish his matches with the Tombstone Piledriver or the Last Ride, both of which involve putting his face right into a sweaty gooch.

I watched this Pancrase match between Frank Shamrock and Minoru Suzuki the other day and thought it was great, but there are points where they're virtually 69ing, or using cock thrusts to get into better positions. At some points it seems like Suzuki's deliberately taunting him by humping him, getting Shamrock's face right into his balls and forcing him into sexual-looking situations and laughing about it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmUIvHvezOA

This UFC fight stands out to me for a similar reason, they're pretty much humping on the floor for 40 minutes and a lot of people thought it was boring (they introduced a rule after this that the referee could make them get to their feet if the fight was getting too boring) but I thought it was really intense, just the concentration of them looking for their perfect spots and not making a mistake https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXDT44zT8JY

>> No.1923  
File: 1625085625638.png -(145717 B, 280x217) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Because a lot of men find it cool/found it cool as a child and thus dissociate sexuality from it. Same for Rugby and tackle codes of football.

>> No.1931  

I just like to see men's bodies rubbing against each other. That's the only appeal I have personally. Just find it kinda funny that straight guys can see past that. But I can respect the childhood memories. Never watched it myself but loved wrestling games on the n64.

>> No.1932  

Also, damn, thanks for the links.

>> No.1952  
File: 1625442370182.gif -(1591164 B, 500x376) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

We weren't allowed to watch wrestling at home because me and my brothers would copy the moves on each other. We also never had satellite TV so we only sometimes got to secretly watch Sunday Night Heat, but we played WWF Warzone, Attitude, and the first three Smackdown games to death. I learned all the move names

>> No.1953  
File: 1625442617949.gif -(6182322 B, 596x328) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Some people mistakenly call this the "Tope Con Hilo", because it was translated from the Spanish "Tope Con Giro" to Japanese then mistranslated to English in the games I think. I just thought that was quite funny

>> No.1954  

I think the split between "classic" and "modern" wrestling is slightly overstated. It feels like that at the beginning of every decade it's dramatically different than at the end. It also depends on the country the promotion is in, for example Britwres is much less football-like in atmosphere.

>> No.1956  
File: 1625482573925.gif -(1386899 B, 300x200) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>>1954 I think it depends on how you want to split it. It wasn't that long ago that a lot of people thought it was all real, but now everyone knows it's scripted. I think that's the key turning point, and I think it's fair to say a big part of that is due to the Internet reaching everyone's homes. That had a bigger effect than say, the end of the territory days when Vince Jr. took over the world. In terms of wrestling style, some regard the Dynamite Kid and Bret Hart as great innovators really changing the face of wrestling, influencing the way matches and finishes were put together after them. That and as mentioned earlier itt, the impact ECW had in introducing other styles of wrestling to American audiences.

>> No.1957  
File: 1625482598594.gif -(1813485 B, 300x200) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>>1954 I'd say wrestling video games have also had an impact, both on the style of wrestling and on wrestlers too, you can see in the likes of Kevin Owens, Kenny Omega, lots of guys on AEW, that they spent a lot of time growing up playing the games. You can see what older guys mean when they talk about how the young guys just do a bunch of moves to each other and the matches don't make much sense as stories, compared to how uhhh "proper" matches tell a story in the ring.

I think you can also see what the veterans mean when they talk about how soft the new generation of wrestlers are, but that maybe goes with my first point about changing audience attitudes. They don't need to convince them that they're really tough guys with real beef, so they think it's okay now to get silly in the ring and it's all a laugh. And there's people that like that and that's fair enough, but it turns away all the people who want to see "actual" wrestling. They'll say "oh, everyone knows it's fake, you can't put the toothpaste back in the tube, it's supposed to be entertainment" but I think that misses the point, creating the illusion of a serious exciting fight is part of the art of being a wrestler.

>> No.1958  
File: 1625484673917.gif -(965971 B, 312x213) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>You can see what older guys mean when they talk about how the young guys just do a bunch of moves to each other and the matches don't make much sense as stories, compared to how uhhh "proper" matches tell a story in the ring.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwXPNwKVL4I Is a good example of a "proper" match. Everything is told through ring psychology but aside from this it is a very dated match, less was more back then and I don't think it's ever going back to that.

I agree with what you're saying about changing attitudes and I think the "video game" crowd sees it more as an actual sport with the narrative being a minimal part of the enjoyment, and matches are seen as a routine/dance more than legitimate combat. Independent shows being stereotyped as having no angles at all isn't entirely without merit.
Old school fans tend to lean towards the drama/soap opera side. The most famous "big" matches from the old school like Hulk Hogan vs Andre are very limited in actual ring work. I think Lucha Underground, regardless of what you think of it, shows that you can combine the two. Hardcore/deathmatch fans are a strange gray area because what they like about the genre depends on who you ask.

This transition and how dramatically the business has changed is fascinating, I can't think of any other business "on-screen" that has changed as much in the last 30 years.

>> No.1962  
File: 1625534349412.jpg -(24598 B, 424x318) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Man, Dustin would do really shitty gimmicks as his career went on

>> No.1966  


>> No.1969  
File: 1625834273715.png -(2799352 B, 1781x1200) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>>1962 Goldust was my favourite when I was young, along with Kane and Mankind. But since my main impression of them was formed from the PS1 games (basically their entrance, moveset, costumes and voice catchphrases) I didn't know much about them other than that they were really weird. Especially that green bikini red-hair gimp look he had, I was like whaat?

>> No.1977  
File: 1625932757294.jpg -(48681 B, 600x338) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

10-year-old me rubbing my nipples at the teachers

>> No.1978  
File: 1625932851822.jpg -(69924 B, 1024x500) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Cut to shreds by the shards of my shattered dreams

>> No.1981  

Peg me liv

>> No.2014  
File: 1626215835367.gif -(3735542 B, 325x300) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

When you and your brother pick the same character:

La Parka vs. LA Park for the right to use the name La Parka. LA Park (the bigger one with the shoulder pads and stripy legs) was the original La Parka, who left AAA in 1996 for WCW and became more famous in USA. AAA owned the trademark on his name and gave the gimmick to another guy. He just died last year, after diving out of a ring and hitting his head and being paralysed for months. The original La Parka is at MLW now

>> No.2015  

The best PPV

>> No.2030  
File: 1626566354216.png -(2117584 B, 1892x1038) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

PSYCHO CLOWN vs PAGANO | Mask vs hair match
Pretty crazy

>> No.2040  

I sometimes wonder if something is broken in dudes like him. I know deathmatch wrestlers usually have few options, but, like, he let nobodies get too much offense in. Taking a potentially life-changing bump can be respectable but not as often as he did!
This is the first round, christ.

>> No.2053  
File: 1626947443815.jpg -(29226 B, 428x540) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>>2040 Yeah, that seems to often be the case from what I gather. There are two good documentaries about Sick Nick Mondo (Unscarred and The Trade) and it's talked about in them, about how for a lot of deathmatch wrestlers there is an aspect of self-harm and punishment from mental health issues. That's why I love the Necro Butcher, because he's happy to almost die for the entertainment of a few fans, he always seems to give it his all.

That's one of my favourite matches that you posted, the full version used to be on youtube but it doesn't seem to be there anymore...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RcA2njtApjY amazing he's not dead

>> No.2054  

wtf Sick Nick Mondo is in Pro Evo 2017 and 2018!?
imdb com/name/nm1511783/

I'm going to try and find this imdb com/title/tt3526198/

(imdb links trigger spam filters?

>> No.2056  

>>2040 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1jt5JSG7V8

>> No.2067  
File: 1627082020118.gif -(5150801 B, 280x157) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

How is it even physically possibly to move that fast???

>> No.2125  
File: 1628006243730.gif -(1975480 B, 580x409) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

This was my initial introduction to Slavoj Žižek (I soon found out it was a spoof)
Thanks clonepa!

>> No.2155  

Let's wrestle!

>> No.2159  
File: 1628496862361.gif -(2057203 B, 400x300) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

What would your finishing move be >>2155 ?

>> No.2161  


>> No.2213  

Motherfucker admin, suck Corbin's cum-sucking dick. Slanderer, where did I insult wrestlers and promotions? Where's the trolling, son of a dog? Tell me how Will Ospreay made his WWE debut. To me what matters in wrestling is ring-skill and some mutually exclusive traits. I wish you a dick in your holey mouth. Motherfucker. The only thing that looks pathetic here is your moaning about how I devalued your beloved Jay White. I shake hands with Lesnar and Wyatt. Kissing Bliss, Morgan, Bayley, Ito, AJ Lee, Bayley tenderly on their belly button and tummy. Sucking on Miz's throat. Feeding turtle shit to Minora Suzuki. You kiss Jericho's belly button in the mimosa, I punch him in the stomach afterwards with all my might for his bastard matches. Becky Lynch will come back with a red belly, because I've been stuffing her abs. Think next time how to slander for nothing. My favorite promotions are PWG and Stardom, faggot. I'm a fan of spotfestes and joshu. You're a fucking psychology fanatic, motherfucker. Fuck you, you dumb fuck. I respected you, but now, you go fuck yourself animal. Goodbye, I won't be on this site anymore.

>> No.2223  
File: 1629153691422.png -(383938 B, 815x438) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Never seen these before, two sick Ric Flair vs Mick Foley matches, one in WWE and one in TNA

>> No.2261  
File: 1629798809618.gif -(909924 B, 352x189) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.2262  
File: 1629800168495.gif -(768051 B, 350x197) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No.2263  
File: 1629800184947.gif -(7868929 B, 400x301) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No.2264  

Off-topic but women's football always looked way more brutal than men's

>> No.2270  
File: 1629989143005.gif -(2082385 B, 484x245) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>>2264 I actually got that gif from a post saying just that. ( wandrlustrr. tumblr /post/119471259969/can-we-talk-about-how-much-more-hardcore-womens My own feeling is that there are equivalents of all that in men's football and that post was from someone who hasn't watched much men's football, but then again I've hardly watched any football since the 90s - it seemed rougher then with less diving, and the millionaire cissy players today are part of why I lost interest I guess

Here's a nifty hip toss armbar thing to be on-topic

>> No.2271  
File: 1630000065762.gif -(2609338 B, 480x270) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

They always compare it with diving cunts though.
Gif related would have great selling skills! Im surprised WWE havent gotten him for a celebrity match at mania.

>> No.2273  
File: 1630011374705.gif -(1919929 B, 420x262) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>>2271 Hehe here's another good one

>> No.2274  
File: 1630054533774.gif -(3117378 B, 357x270) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No.2275  
File: 1630054550533.gif -(3081546 B, 400x304) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No.2290  
File: 1630671918525.gif -(1015328 B, 300x170) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Cool move with a cool name: the Cattle Mutilation
youtube.com /watch?v=mzyz424uvfg

>> No.2291  
File: 1630671937457.gif -(9078094 B, 540x300) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No.2303  
File: 1631029713352.jpg -(3862846 B, 3024x4032) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Look at the way he's bracing for the chop. Kingston's gotta have one of the hardest chops right now.

>> No.2304  

This whole video (the picture, the people and the low audio quality) and the comments are extremely DQN quality

>> No.2305  

Due to spam filters, the card has been changed, please refer to >>663 in QUALITY VIDEOS, thank you.

>> No.2306  
File: 1631092179676.gif -(4811020 B, 400x223) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>>663 here is a A++ post too, for anyone who missed it I really recommend checking it out

>> No.2327  
File: 1631371741906.png -(167269 B, 407x454) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

youtube .com/watch?v=q6XJ9_QD0qY Edited to just the hits

>> No.2352  
File: 1631918672735.png -(442676 B, 981x472) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I enjoyed this "Glass Crush" deathmatch between Jun Kasai and Masashi Takeda
youtube /watch?v=nVwY8eBwgL4

>> No.2355  

dailymotion .com/video/x3yx09j
dailymotion .com/video/x3yx0bu
One of my favorite ECW matches starts at 37:00 and is continued in the second video, that whole PPV is great, really.

>> No.2356  
File: 1632262869145.gif -(248573 B, 500x281) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>>2355 Yeah that was really good! Taka Michinoku is the one I'm most familiar with there, because he was in WWF Attitude, but I know the great Sasuke too. That Thunder Fire Powerbomb looked painful

>> No.2403  
File: 1633273944937.gif -(5330240 B, 400x225) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

When I was a boy first learning about wrestling, something I found really fascinating was the technical terminology, names for these certain types of lifts and slams and holds. So if you hold their arms like this it's a Dragon Suplex, or like this it's a Tiger Suplex, or this way is a German Suplex, this way is a Fisherman Suplex but this way is a Northern Lights Suplex... I spent a lot of time in the CAW mode picking the coolest moves for my dude. For a similar reason I was interested in extreme sports from playing THPS and Cool Boarders 2 with their Indy Grabs and Stalefishes and Melancholies, and also like Tekken's movelists.

I kind of grew out of it around 2002ish maybe, but years later I would discover this wikipedia page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glossary_of_professional_wrestling_terms - more "inside" technical terms, that kind of rekindled my interest

>> No.2431  

Wtf https://youtube-looper.com/watch?v=P085X1IbTok&from=552&to=558

>> No.2432  
File: 1633970968814.jpg -(137109 B, 1080x1041) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I always feel like insider terms are a bit overused, but I also think it's cool that its own subculture enough to have a Wikipedia page like that. It is kind of like extreme sports in that way, yeah.
Mexican shit is always crazy but I was expecting that!

>> No.2438  
File: 1634030635565.gif -(1974483 B, 346x230) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>>2432 I definitely agree, annoyingly overused by people who aren't "inside" but feel cool saying them. I don't mean technical terms for moves and stuff, I mean kayfabey words that people who watch Cultaholic and WrestleTalk every day like to use. “So-and-so deserves a PUSH! Vince McMahon doesn't know what he's doing, he just BURIES Japanese talent! These WWE MARKS don't know REAL wrestling!"

That article reminded me of something, when I was younger playing WWF Warzone, when you did a dropkick the commentators would say "Picture-perfect dropkick!" So we thought that's what the move was called, but he was just describing the dropkick. It feels like that's what someone's done with some of those “wrestling terms” like “hide” and ”boom boom boom”, everyday phrases some guy must have heard in a wrestling context

>> No.2439  
File: 1634031644392.gif -(3122819 B, 500x284) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Some purists say you should only do things in a match you would do in a bar fight... e.g. you wouldn't jump up on the bar and backflip off it at someone who spilled your drink... I agree that a match should definitely look like a fight, if there's obvious cooperation it spoils it, like a cameraman appearing in a shot in a movie or something, but the rockstar/extreme sports aspect I think is part of what makes pro wrestling unique. Guys pushing the limits and coming up with new moves and twists and flips is another similarity with extreme sports. I wonder if there's any correlation with the birth and rise of extreme sports to similar attitudes in wrestling, or if it was similar but coming from different sources, like from lucha libre or something?

>> No.2490  
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>> No.2491  
File: 1634656991987.gif -(9362723 B, 400x225) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>>2432 Oh yeah, the other part of it was finding out that HHH was supposed to be the guy on all the posters and games, but Stone Cold got it instead because HHH was punished for this "Curtain Call Incident" thing. Just remembering not being that into wrestling as a kid but seeing Stone Cold Steve Austin everywhere, life could have been different if those 4 guys hadn't made that 1 little gesture.

vc: "rudeg" haha a rude egg like Stone Cold Steve Austin! "And that's the bottom line, because Stone Cold said so!" But who is this man "Stone Cold" that he should determine truth?

>> No.2643  
File: 1638117756599.png -(1977208 B, 1899x1047) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Not sure how I feel about intergender deathmatches, but this is pretty great. It's funny when she squeezes the lime in his wounds, that looks like he really felt it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9vrEZhAjRk

>> No.2644  

I know women's deathmatches have been a thing forever, but this is one of the most bizarre matches I have ever seen

>> No.2645  
File: 1638203732817.png -(230328 B, 834x468) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>>2644 When she gets Death Valley Driver'd through the pool table about 30 seconds into the match, she does a https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fencing_response - I can't tell if she's just good at selling or she actually got a concussion :\

>> No.2665  
File: 1638758098404.jpg -(1580707 B, 4032x2268) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I saw a WWE house show. It was pretty fun, even if there was nothing particularly impressive work-wise (although it was good for WWE standards, I'm sure most non-WWE wrestling fans wouldn't be impressed). Aside from being drenched in soda by an overexcited child (whos enthusiasm was infectous, I will admit) the crowd was good, there wasn't excessive *doo doo doo doo clap clap clap* chanting although there was a reluctance to boo both Becky and Roman.

The main thing I took away from watching a WWE show live was how much the camera crew detracts from the experience. It's far easier to get lost in the wrestling simply watching from the crowd than with the poor camera angles inadvertently exposing the fakeness of the work.

I think the reason I enjoyed it more than I usually do with modern WWE is because there was no real narrative present aside from good guys vs bad guys, and I do like the more soapy wrestling every once in a while, I think with Vince's dialogue it's better this way, there was very little cringe and filler here to hold the talent back.

>> No.2667  
File: 1638786121112.jpg -(1378617 B, 4032x2268) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No.2669  
File: 1638831904352.png -(471039 B, 659x494) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>>2665 Cool! I've been to one wrestling show, a 5 Star Wrestling show that was shown live on TV. Kids were running around the outside of the seating area doing moves to each other, it was like a big royal rumble!
>>2667 Found out recently he supports Gordon Ramsay's old football team

>> No.2670  

Huh. Always got the Celtic vibe from him. Guess him quoting Winston Churchill was his idea then.

Yeah, it was a more professional vibe than im used to. Specifically an ICW NHB show and the fans were right next to the ring and going wild throwing objects etc.

>> No.2693  


Couldn't figure whether to post this here or the fap thread but it would be funnier here

>> No.2835  
File: 1641166077268.png -(701799 B, 897x615) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


I had to look up who Michael Hickenbottom is, I learned that right now

>> No.2844  
File: 1641509806415.gif -(3108600 B, 400x290) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Pretty random, but I heard Greg "The Hammer" Valentine's entrance theme the other day, and it has a very distinctive intro, a sound I must have heard hundreds of times https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dYJN6QcYtI
Recognise it? A quick google found no previous mention of this connection, but the sample apparently comes from the late 60s

>> No.2870  
File: 1642156073643.png -(453387 B, 801x530) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Recently, this dude has been uploading episodes of WWF Wrestling Challenge from 1991, along with episodes from other B-shows through the years like WWF Mania, Superstars Of Wrestling, Shotgun etc. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEIsxNS5vUU3eumFDpZusFQ They feature lots of old squash matches with big stars like the Undertaker and Shawn Michaels, a few years before they got really big. I've been watching through them all (at 2x speed, sometimes two at a time) and they're quite interesting, partly because he's kept all the adverts of the time in recorded off the telly.
The Undertaker's Tombstone looks so much more vicious here the way he does it to the jobbers compared to the way we're used to seeing him do it later.

>> No.2915  
File: 1643987698398.png -(91353 B, 583x338) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>>2844 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Un0DKKPRoRM The Williams Street sting at the end of hundreds of Cartoon Network or Adult Swim shoes or something. I know it best from Xavier: Renegade Angel

>> No.2946  
File: 1644263736545.gif -(2819086 B, 348x261) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Cool move, back roll into a half crab

>> No.2947  
File: 1644263777456.gif -(3085279 B, 330x239) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No.2948  
File: 1644263823981.gif -(3071373 B, 410x320) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Cool diving crossbody reversal into a powerslam

>> No.2949  
File: 1644263856218.gif -(2870687 B, 500x379) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.2950  
File: 1644263893608.gif -(1979738 B, 418x279) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.2951  

These guys are completely mental! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BoyaExRtbJ0

>> No.2960  
File: 1644577134950.jpg -(1205076 B, 2048x1651) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I hear from a reputable source that John Cena has a massive scrotum, and he used to pretend it was a flying squirrel and show it to the other guys in the locker room. That sounds crazy but is actually true

>> No.3005  
File: 1645839397163.png -(1243851 B, 1071x1598) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

FMW Anal Bomb Death Match Tape 2
I only watched it for the anal bomb but the rest was pretty entertaining. I don't know who any of them are. I liked the one in the first ladies' tag match who gets tagged in, shouts something then does like 7 dropkicks in a row. The shot at 54:30 where he grabs the camera and you see it getting smashed from its point of view is pretty fun!

>> No.3012  
File: 1645984886553.jpg -(141917 B, 1024x671) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Wtf I had no idea Jimmy Saville was a wrestler

>> No.3019  
File: 1646268077718.png -(492483 B, 781x537) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

This is one of my favourite matches, these guys are insane...
A+ for effort on the replays after the match too!

>> No.3020  

>>3019 funny but hard to watch them washing his wounds at the end...

>> No.3048  
File: 1646695167766.gif -(3384789 B, 400x298) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Who has the best entrance music? I'd have to say the Nation Of Domination

>> No.3049  
File: 1646695455255.gif -(608754 B, 300x376) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Other music picks
- Goldust
- Sabu
-Tazz's heartbeat one
- Shinsuke Nakamura
- Bret Hart
- Mr. Ass
- Vince McMahon
- "Raging" Andy Organ
- Kane
- Steve Blackman

>> No.3053  
File: 1646703930923.gif -(6557313 B, 400x297) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>>3048 How can anyone see that gif and think wrestling is fake?

>> No.3068  
File: 1647015063850.gif -(5445598 B, 400x225) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Thought this looked pretty swish

>> No.3162  
File: 1648587604405.png -(533335 B, 684x461) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Dwarf deathmatch - Puppet The Psycho Dwarf vs TEO

Oh it turns out that's the guy who pulled a gun on Jeff Jarret https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpTUhWn0BSw

>> No.3171  
File: 1648671351813.png -(636554 B, 792x541) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Omg I've been looking for this for ages (it says it was uploaded 15 years ago, I wonder why it never came up in searches before?)
One of the Briscoe brothers gets cut open and hung upside down from the ceiling, and Jimmy Jacobs delivers a promo from underneath him, so he gets covered in blood as he's talking. I wonder what was going through his “girlfriend”'s mind when he's talking to her and she sees the blood splat on his lapels?

>> No.3179  
File: 1648719774324.jpg -(615030 B, 750x995) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No.3202  
File: 1649267108354.gif -(8037638 B, 400x225) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Effy vs Minoru Suzuki

>> No.3204  

>>3202 Here is the match https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0v1U5HsD4-I

>> No.3205  

>>3204 >>1885 >>1912
Rather gay :)

>> No.3345  
File: 1652953714432.jpg -(432887 B, 1400x1500) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

What do you guys think of my art? I just got into wrestling but I love these sexy chain matches. Notice how I made the red X near his mouth look a bit like a cock he's sucking :3

>> No.3425  
File: 1654117505757.gif -(5067416 B, 400x222) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

She almost kicks her head off!

>> No.3524  
File: 1655823283395.jpg -(647452 B, 1014x1622) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No.3533  
File: 1656058498159.gif -(8128444 B, 540x304) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>>2645 Looks a bit more natural than this obviously-fake one from Will Ospreay but still a clever touch that he did it

>> No.3694  
File: 1660777383105.png -(671197 B, 707x529) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Well this is the most disgusting thing I've seen for a while
Mitch Page vs Corporal Robinson - POOL OF LEECHES Deathmatch!! - IWA MS Sweet Science 16 2001

>> No.3786  
File: 1662632205065.jpg -(251872 B, 1920x1080) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

When you see it, you'll shit brix

>> No.3826  
File: 1664107014491.png -(1161517 B, 914x791) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

The wrestler in purple is called Still Life With Apricots & Pears, I just thought that was great

>> No.3854  
File: 1665310035122.gif -(659826 B, 500x371) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Are there any really good female commentators? Is there a Rule 64 Joey Styles? I've seen a few matches with commentary by a male+female duo, but they're always the same: the lady doesn't seem to have much clue what's going on and mostly says things like "Ohhh!" "Oh my goodness" "They're really hitting each other here", and you hear exasperation in the male commentator's voice when she says something insipid. I guess it's something like, idk, to contrast the nerdy male and be more appealing to casual fans or something?
I thought this particular snippet was funny
but there's another one burnt into my mind but I can't remember the match, she exclaims "HE'S MAKING HIM SNIFF HIS OWN BUM!!" and the guy's like "...gimme a break...""

>> No.3856  
File: 1665339516399.png -(14827 B, 157x38) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.3866  
File: 1665620000782.png -(1173775 B, 1379x1033) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Children wrestling on the WWF on Sky Sports...

>> No.3889  
File: 1666269078099.jpg -(1359294 B, 1896x2048) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

She got her bum whipped

>> No.3907  


>> No.3908  
File: 1666872749335.gif -(8967962 B, 400x225) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>>3907 Go and cuddle your mother, oh wait hahaha

>> No.3911  

Do not include all us mommy issue posters with this misogynist person, my mother was neglectful and indifferent except when she needed something and then she'd use the fact that she nearly died in childbirth to guilt me into it, but this is precisely why I'm desperate for platonic motherly love from a woman and come to the aid of maidens on the internet. Thanks for reading.

>> No.3913  
File: 1666911739349.gif -(3000905 B, 500x340) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>>3911 You're welcome

>> No.3917  
File: 1667084441656.png -(2151924 B, 1884x978) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I don't know what it is but I find her so sexy

>> No.3950  
File: 1668171986736.gif -(5557176 B, 540x304) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No.3982  
File: 1668736687396.gif -(5799344 B, 400x225) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Fuck yeah I wish that was me!

>> No.4041  

Pomu is dead.

>> No.4049  
File: 1669974000488.gif -(6708154 B, 200x355) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Holy crap Lois didya see me slam that guy??

>> No.4070  
File: 1670758326994.gif -(8417031 B, 540x304) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.4092  
File: 1671494349947.gif -(3887226 B, 400x225) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Stuffed crust

>> No.4103  
File: 1671885606081.gif -(7597585 B, 400x215) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Stapled his hands inside his pockets. I actually quite like Orange Cassidy sometimes

>> No.4160  
File: 1673696940466.jpg -(72330 B, 500x500) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Why are Harry Potter fans like this?

>> No.4280  
File: 1675815674483.gif -(2230326 B, 371x209) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I would love to try this

>> No.4281  
File: 1675841632091.jpg -(420532 B, 1024x768) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No.4289  

I thought some of you might be interested to see this. It's just a clip but hopefully he covers the full match in the near future.
The guy goes to use his "asshole in the face" move, but his opponent reverses it by biting his asshole til blood comes out, then he spits the blood in the other guy's face

>> No.4384  
File: 1679358057169.gif -(1460409 B, 400x306) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.4517  
File: 1686125318513.gif -(1668885 B, 400x225) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Ohh he missed

>> No.4523  
File: 1686868475597.gif -(6924244 B, 540x262) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No.4595  

>>1885 Thinking about this one.
I would like to try that.

>> No.4608  
File: 1692191522377.gif -(8048736 B, 400x225) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I wish I could be that staple!!

>> No.4674  
File: 1699868243567.jpg -(123301 B, 657x381) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Frosted butts

>> No.4739  
File: 1705917713915.gif -(8172036 B, 417x289) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I prefer this hardcore wrestling style

>> No.4743  


>> No.5285  
File: 1727563767393.gif -(2088949 B, 400x303) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

˙˙˙ɟɟnʇs puɐ ǝsıou ɐ ǝʞɐɯ pןnoʍ ʎǝɥʇ ɟı ǝǝs oʇ ʞɔıp s,ǝuoǝɯos ɟo puǝ ǝɥʇ buıqqɐɹb ǝʞıן ˙˙˙ɹǝɥʇo ɥɔɐǝ ɟo ʇno ǝsıɹ ɐ ʇǝb oʇ buıʎɹʇ ʇnoqɐ buıʞɔnɯ ʇsnظ ʇnq ʎɐʍ ןɐnxǝs ɐ uı ʇou 'ɯooɹ ɹǝʞɔoן ǝɥʇ uı ssɐ ɹıǝɥʇ uı ɹǝbuıɟ ɐ ǝʌoɥs puɐ sʞɔıp s,ɹǝɥʇo ɥɔɐǝ qɐɹb oʇ sɹǝןʇsǝɹʍ ɹoɟ ןɐɯɹou ʎןןɐʇoʇ sɐʍ ʇı ʍoɥ ʇnoqɐ pǝʞןɐʇ ǝɥ ʎןʇuǝɔǝɹ ʇsɐɔpod s,ǝʇʇǝuɹoɔ ɯıظ uo ʇnq 'buıʞoظ s,ǝɥ ɟı ןןǝʇ ʇ,uɐɔ ı

>> No.5291  

Did you know Vince McMahon took a shit on a lady's head while his personal trainer was fucking her? Then he went for a shower and made her leave the shit on her head?

>> No.5317  
File: 1728907574302.gif -(3122966 B, 500x279) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No.5326  

Pro wrestling is homosexual and the people who watch it are gay

>> No.5328  
File: 1729068060733.gif -(6102914 B, 400x225) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>>5326 Yes we already discussed that earlier in the thread

>> No.5334  

see >>5285

>> No.5350  
File: 1730226407002.gif -(2106163 B, 250x169) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>>5326 Check THIS out!

>> No.5364  
File: 1730767011306.gif -(5088088 B, 400x223) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No.5434  
File: 1733099339198.png -(1166391 B, 1392x1065) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Shawn Michael's touching a guy's willie-winkie

>> No.6037  
File: 1742551854850.gif -(9151633 B, 540x304) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Devastating manoeuvre

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