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File: 1639522128722.jpg -(1239752 B, 1920x1080) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
1239752 No.2727  


>> No.2733  

that wallpaper's really good, too bad the perspective of the building is rather off

>> No.2734  

It reminds me of 00's eroge visuals. Eerie but comfortable.

>> No.2736  

it's as if you did pixel art and then blew it up to 1920x1080 without fixing the perspective

>> No.2738  

I've never seen snow in real life :(

>> No.2741  

take some ice from the freezer, put it in the blender.
it's pretty similar desu

>> No.2744  
File: 1639663834264.jpg -(1397471 B, 1920x1080) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No.2746  
File: 1639673784766.png -(210888 B, 416x308) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

see, i really like how these are painted, but i cant stop noticing how skewed the perspective is.

also, who's the artist?

>> No.2747  


the rightmost point of the balcony should be raised a good bit more

>> No.2771  
File: 1639869500828.jpg -(1433186 B, 1920x1080) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

> also, who's the artist?
It's a movie, dude. Those specific shots are probably just heavily edited photos, though.

>> No.4962  

The movie is Your Name (君の名は).

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