looking for animation tools to fit my workflow i basically use paint tool sai to draw and it d be good to just copy paste bunch of jpgs i ve saved without realigning them and then have them animate in fps and not miliseconds whats my choices tx
Sounds crazy bro. Pretty sure you can do something like that in Adobe Flash CS3. That is also how I make gifs in Photoshop, import a bunch of jpegs as frames, but that's probably not suitable for whatever it is you're trying to do. What is it you're trying to do?
Blender is a go-to, especially for 2D animation now that they have Grease Pencil. Also, look into OpenToonz, Krita, Tahoma2D.
>>3165 The difference is that there's much more free and open source animation software that's just as powerful.
>>3165 >adobe im poor and that s a slowass ugg software >>3172 yeah it does have compositor but slow and chonky >>3173 correct, bravo
>>3175 I got it for free (on the Internet)
>>3175 >it does have compositor but slow and chonky I would have to disagree, it's ran fine from my own experience.
>>3164 Use AI https://aibooru.online/posts?tags=animation&z=5
doesn't ffmpeg let you do that with image sequences? also CSP has a cool animation part of the software. There are some plugins I used a while ago for GIMP
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