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File: 1612371229799.png (771217 B, 600x938) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
771217 No.377  

Ibn Abbas narrates: The Prophet (ﷺ) said: "There are two blessings that many people are deceived into losing: health and free time." [Bukhari, 6412]

>> No.379  
File: 1612382840796.jpg (1461645 B, 1530x1755) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I thought I never wanted to leave the NEET life, but then I got a fun job. Working from home in lockdown has been the best of both worlds!

>> No.380  

I hope you will suffer once the lockdown is over

>> No.381  
File: 1612384681585.jpg (588138 B, 805x800) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

need neat teen neet...

>> No.382  
File: 1612391938868.jpg (800443 B, 1000x707) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>>380 I forced myself to suffer during my NEET years in a kind of ascetic way and now I'm above suffering :3 But I will always have love for my NEET bredren, I always give money to homeless people and I stand up for junkie benefit scroungers when people moan about them. I say to them I'm GLAD they're spending your tax money on heroin and big screen TVs ha ha!

>> No.383  
File: 1612393848649.jpg (118474 B, 759x427) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>>379 I'm tired of the NEET life, but I've been at it for like 6 years now. It feels worse to just sit at home and not have the resources to do anything I want to do than it does to just work a job a few hours a week. The thought of working and having to dedicate some of my time to doing things besides what I wanted to be doing at that moment used to fill me with panic and dread until I realized there were already plenty of times I couldn't do the things I wanted to do. But whatever I decide to do I'll always be NEET at heart.

>> No.384  

The mid-late 00s/early 10s were probably the best times to be NEET ever. The internet was developed enough that you could order anything you could think of from amazon/ebay but not developed enough to be overrun by normalfags and social media. The Syria crisis hadn't happened yet so European welfare was still generous and given out liberally. Even in America the 90s kids who were in elementary school during the peak of the "ritalin boom" and had a case file full of 3 letter mental disorders were just ending highschool and could easily get 'bux. Imageboards were exploding, there were boards for all kinds of topics and in every language you could think of but "4chan" was yet to become a household name. PC gaming and anime were peaking. Piracy was easy and low risk. Not many people in the west knew Japanese yet. Gaddaffi was still alive.

Now it's the exact opposite. Everything is expensive. 4 websites make up like 90% of the internet and they're overrun with normalfags. Most new media sucks and is made to push some kind of agenda. Politicians argue in sincerity and with great emotion over things that feel like imageboard shitposts from 10 years ago. MMOs are basically a dead genre, mainly kept in motion by the shambling, thrice-reanimated corpses of WoW and FFXIV.

Those times will always live on in my heart, but they're over now.

>> No.386  
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A NEET thread somehow has nostalgia-talk, how bizarre.

>> No.387  
File: 1612400775912.jpg (215003 B, 1416x2000) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

If you're a NEET there's nothing stopping you from going full hikki and living in a time capsule.

>> No.388  

In 1 week I will have been a NEET for a full year. I just got a part time job, so if my first day turns out to be in the next week I won't hit a full year.

>> No.389  
File: 1612413893189.gif (268026 B, 200x200) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Prolonging NEETdom is a burden but I hold no regrets whatsoever. The amount of disappointments witnessed while trying to reestablish myself in the social mainstream has managed to strengthen my original standing even further.

>> No.390  
File: 1612433584698.jpg (45684 B, 352x500) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>>384 tru dat

>> No.391  
File: 1612443663373.jpg (90470 B, 976x549) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>>386 Yeah, those carefree days were some of the best days of my life, just sex and weed and video games and chocolate. All I thought I had to worry about was forging my dole sheet, but I was blind to my own follies and today I pay the price.

>> No.396  
File: 1612464964226.png (552026 B, 1120x1120) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No.400  

Not NEET, but NEET adjacent. Graduated with my Bacchelors already, have a shitty contract job that makes less than minimum wage (before it was raised in my state) and I work 3 days a week. I can't stand it. I have too much free time, not even cash, too many health problems, and no insurance. There is no good end for a NEET. If you have picked this path there will be no way to ever recover these years going forward.

>> No.404  
File: 1612472867509.jpg (219939 B, 1920x1080) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

The ending for a NEET is usually suicide or becoming a crazy homeless, consider yourself lucky.

>> No.409  

brightest stars burn the quickest...

>> No.421  

>>400 I've been NEET for a few years but I'm not quite past the age of no return yet, I'm thinking about just joining the army or something.

>> No.437  
File: 1612568207702.png (65845 B, 401x409) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>NEET adjacent
What does this even mean?

>> No.439  

It's explained in the very next sentence. The phrase was just a joke based on LW types throwing "adjacent" next to everything.

>> No.493  
File: 1612747079325.png (479111 B, 530x540) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.564  
File: 1613053204346.png (2132873 B, 1365x768) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>MMOs are basically a dead genre, mainly kept in motion by the shambling, thrice-reanimated corpses of WoW and FFXIV.
Everyone bemoans the death of MMOs,and it does feel more dead now, but I can't really think of any from the 2000s aside from Runescape and PotBS that weren't corpses from the 90s like Everquest and UO. SWG? Netoge? SRO?

>> No.567  
File: 1613053781187.png (144925 B, 420x314) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Actual, SRO still has a huge playerbase for what it is.
I might go back.

>> No.571  

Time means nothing to a real NEET. Please go back to whatever 4chan shithole you guys came from.

>> No.572  

NEET does not mean hikki

>> No.573  

Real NEETs aren't rich kids that have neon light computer cases and serial experiments lain posters. You guys should repopulate cancerholes like uboachan or just go to your discord hovel

>> No.575  

>serial experiments lain posters.
It's crazy how polemic that one has become in recent years when even 5 years ago it was generally liked

>> No.581  

It always had a pretty pretentious fanbase, but back then it was more JTHM, neurotically yours, happy tree fuckers fanbase people that used lain as their avatar. Now it's beloved by linux kiddies that always post lain image macros but don't understand the central theme of the anime that was trying to convey the message of the internet becoming a centralized shithole making humans both stupider and more robotic at the same time. Honestly I see it as nothing more than an art house film that was stretched out into 10 or so episodes for TV, but it's one of the only animes that got the "gothic" look right.

>> No.589  

Lain is a late 90s electronic music video stretched out into a whole anime series.

>> No.593  

>JTHM, neurotically yours, happy tree fuckers fanbase
Wow, what a blast from the past.
Jhonen Vasquez was a hack

>> No.596  
File: 1613104835886.gif (508799 B, 996x998) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

getting mad over MMOs is new

>> No.597  

Duvet by boa justifies Lain's existence

>> No.1732  
File: 1622971926104.jpg (2080182 B, 831x1162) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>>573 #EndNEETGatekeeping

>> No.1733  

fake NEET hands typed this post

>> No.1735  
File: 1623140536604.jpg (118251 B, 600x600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>>1733 Not today, I've now got a job I enjoy with good pay, which I never thought would be possible when I was a NEET

>> No.1740  

congrats i am proud of you!

>> No.1743  

>>1740 Thanks! Dreams can come true!

>> No.1815  
File: 1624026111824.jpg (52675 B, 568x378) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No.2253  
File: 1629562741457.jpg (168088 B, 640x853) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No.4816  

>>4815 Brain fart???

>> No.4817  

i didnt expect to find a hadith here lol

>> No.4823  

Working is the ultimate waste of free time. Why slave away so some jerk in a suit can live it up? And while he's driving fast cars and banging luxury hookers you go home to exhausted to do the things you love.

>> No.4824  
File: 1708480775813.gif (213042 B, 600x333) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>>4823 Get a more fulfilling job

>> No.4860  

there is no such thing

>> No.4862  

>>4860 It is possible to find a job that suits you, where you don't dread Monday morning and you go home each day feeling like you made some progress.

>> No.4885  

I'm a NEET living in Indonesia. My house is 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom in a gated community. I don't work. My wife earns the paychecks, buys the groceries, cleans the house. Why not just do like me and move to the 3rd world? Beats being a NEET in the 1st world.

>> No.4928  

We aren't deceived into losing these things. We're forced. Its called capitalism. Give the boss man your time in exchange for a wage. Only when you leave work do you start living. But you have to pretend your work life is happy. If management sees how demoralized you are they'll get mad. Its not enough to loose your time you have to pretend to like it. Then when you get home you get an email from your superiors asking you to do some worthless chore or extra task that isn't your responsibility. You end up too exhausted to do the things you love. Being a NEET is so much better. I miss it.

>> No.4929  
File: 1712998129225.jpg (266296 B, 1440x1080) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

My NEETbux pension is conditional on residing within my country.. :/

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