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File: 1732583745135.gif (2654266 B, 550x306) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
2654266 No.5414  

Why do the links on the frame all link to the same CIA image?

>> No.5415  

Links? CIA image? What?

>> No.5416  

It's likely an effort to limit the illegal spam. From the current thoughts thread on DQN: "Probably won't do anything, but it's worth a shot at least? Just visit the boards directly for a few days."

>> No.5417  

There's a frame?

>> No.5418  
File: 1732647099826.png (1635086 B, 1695x799) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

The frames on the front page!

Here it is, with the image that appears on almost every link
Also I can't link to all these posts without it ticking off the antispam filter

>> No.5419  

I stupidly refreshed my cache and now it happens to me too

>> No.5420  

At first I thought it was the site dead or hacked

>> No.5421  
File: 1732679874935.jpg (60326 B, 524x646) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No.5424  

this is like a nightmare i think the website down but no is only for CIA GLOWNIGGERS

>> No.5439  

Good news, the links are back!

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