School Rumble! (56)

1 Name: Anonymous 2004-11-05 04:59 ID:dIQVWNlQ [Del]

This is actually a series that I'm interested in, even though normally I'm not your comedy type. It's funny, the OP is very, ummm, bouncy. Oh, and Tenma is cute. Remind me of Mahoro with her hair somewhat.

This guy's subs, although have rather long translation notes which are more like a small Japanese class, are good none the less.

2 Name: Anonymous 2004-11-06 04:31 ID:g1HPCPFg [Del]

Very enjoyable show. I've heard it described as Azumanga plus guys, a not entirely inaccurate description. Tenma has a lot of Tomo and Osaka-ness about her.

3 Name: Anonymous 2004-11-06 10:33 ID:Heaven [Del]

Azumanga has a TOTALLY different kind of humor and overall style & feeling.

I don't like School Rumble at all. It's too generic for my likings.

4 Name: Anonymous 2004-11-06 16:35 ID:+LoMdd3Q [Del]

School Rumble is like Azumanga? WTF are you on?

5 Name: Anonymous 2004-11-06 19:42 ID:Heaven [Del]

Each episode is a series of short vignettes? Karasuma in a kappa costume? Tenma's eye-unfocusing thing? That said, the slapstick parts also remind me a lot of Full Metal Panic Fumoffu.

6 Name: Anonymous 2004-11-07 06:45 ID:YZKxqt0A [Del]

School Rumble is like Fumoffu? WTF are you on?

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