I watched the first ten episodes, and it seems to be just a monster-of-the-day show with lots of fanservice. Am I missing something?
I just recently watched it myself. Although it did fail to meet my lofty expectations of it I still really enjoyed watching it. Certainly not the greatest anime ever made but it definitely still holds up.
I watched it somewhat recently. No other series is as hyped it seems to me. I enjoyed it a lot - my favorite scene was when Rei smiles. I didn't enjoy End of Evangelion or the Rebuilds as much though.
People say Eva starts slow and gets better, but my experience was the opposite. I thought it was really good when I first started watching. Then it slowly shit the bed. It's a pretty good show, overall tho.
Asuka is the cutest. Anyone who disagrees is wrong.
overrated shit
Overrated as fuck, but it's still good, so it's worth watching regardless. Just avoid any discussions of it outside this place.
Rebuilds a shit. Eva cultists an even bigger shit.
Evangelion sux
I think the rebuilds kinda miss a lot of what made the original great, but like the original EoE, there's some very nice payoff for making it to the end. That makes it worthwhile overall but I think it will remain distinctly separate from the Eva canon for me.
Now, should I give the FLCL remake a go...?
Only if you fall into one of two categories:
The sequels aren't bad; if it dropped Haruko completely and was it's own original property they would be a solid 5/10 but when you have to compare them to the original FLCL they legitimately have no right to exist when they just try and fail to do what the original already did perfectly, and utterly fail to follow it or build up on what the original did.
Yes, I'm still mad.
Seems related to events in EoE, otherwise who the fuck knows - I pretend all that redux shit doesn't exist.
The scenes of devastation in the last rebuild look like blender physics demos. It was clearly made with the intent of pissing people off becuase of how objectively awful it is.
Blue girl will always be better.
Basically in End of Evangelion when Shinji had a huge wank while Asuka was in a coma he came in her eye and now she needs to wear an eyepatch.
>make furikuri 2 please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please
>wtf it isn't as good as original fuck you
we know
Anyone with a brain understood it didn't need a sequel. As usual retards and Americans ruin everything
RevolutionofEva Reupload- The Guns of Evangelion Parts 1-7
>Evangelion brought incredible realism into an unrealistic genre.
no, i don't understand a damn thing in that anime, it's pure shit
>>31 is pure shit
It's a monster-of-the-day show until episode 14, then it completely changes the style of the show and becomes about depression and failing to live up to everyones expectations of you and loneliness and the inability to open up to other people because you're scared of being hurt.
Naturally, weebs and NEETs can relate heavily to it, and think it's the best thing ever. (As a 29 year old NEET virgin weeb myself, it's one of my favorite pieces of media, along with Welcome to the NHK.)
Gunbuster is better than Eva. So is Diebuster, for that matter, though Tsurumaki directed that one instead of Anno.
Eva only gets so much praise because it's babby's first "mature" anime and one of the only mecha series (along with Gurren Lagann) that most normalfags will ever watch.
Its more about the characters than plot.
neither does anno.
no, its garbage, you're not alone. Only degenerates liked that show, later on Gurren Lagann was made anyway, so its like this show's a shitty perverted degenerate version of Gurren Lagann that thinks arrogantly it's philosophical and smart and shit.
Yes, you are missing something, namely the other 17 episodes
Eva's interesting turn around episode 14 is because Anno personally broke around that time. He was living the otaku dream: he was actually getting to direct his own giant robot vs monster of the week show... but it didn't cure his depression. That's why the point of End of Eva is that you can't hide from your problems, nor blame everyone else for them either. You have to stop hiding away from society/your problems in your otaku cocoon and face the world. That's also why Rebuild ends the way it does. He had a similar breakdown during one of them, but it was working on Shin Godzilla that restored his resolve, so Rebuild literally ends by him finally putting Eva to rest; it no longer needs to be his emotional crutch anymore.
The one thing worse than regular blogposting is when a creator uses his work as an outlet for blogposting.
It wouldn't be so bad if Anno wasn't a total fucking asshole who hates his fans. Rebuild was literally a gigantic middle finger to the evangelion fanbase.
Imagine thinking that "It's okay to let go and move on" is hating your fanbase. Even the manga's ending was literally Shinji giving everyone the chance to just move on. Hell; Anno even threw the waifu fans a bone with Kensuke/Asuka.
Rebuild is great, don't listen to those nerds.
evangeleon is bullshit, gundam is better
Nadesico is bullshit. Dominion Tank Police is better.
Dominion Tank Police is good. Getter Robo is better
They are both bullshit. Space Battleship Yamato is better.
Nadesico isn't better than some of the better Gundam series but it sure is a lot better than Evangeshition.
Please all of you are wrong! LOTGH is anime's Evangellion. I wish Gundam died and it lived!
Patlabor or death.
LOTGH is bullshit. The battles don't make any sense.
Star Wars is better than LOTGH. I hate to say it but it’s true.
Warhammer 40,000 is anglo garbage made for homosexuals and nerds
This thread sucks. Just like Evangelion.