What you finished watching/reading? (25)

17 Name: Anonymous Otaku : 2023-03-20 22:47 ID:i+Rj4Tg4

I'm reading A Silent Voice. It's in the same genre as "Masturbation Master Kurosawa" in that it's a douchebag who takes what he deserves in stride and tries to improve his ways regardless manga, and I'd say its depiction of such a type of character is far more mature overall(though the protagonists of both are different ages during the story so I suppose that's to be expected). I think that most of the people here could relate to this man somehow, hell his plan of "pay my mom what I owe so I don't have to feel like I died with unfinished business" is something I've thought of verbatim for as long as I can remember. This is all just from me reading up to Vol. 2, so maybe I'll update this review when I'm finished.

Good shit. Hope it doesn't fall off.

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