Light Novels (14)

1 Name: Anonymous Otaku : 2024-01-14 21:40 ID:K3ceWuud

I've never read a light novel before, but I've become interested in reading one. Have you ever read a light novel? Did you enjoy? What's your favorite?

2 Name: Anonymous Otaku : 2024-01-16 00:06 ID:TiXUq3aW

Haruhi is the only one I've ever read. It was good. That is all.

3 Name: Anonymous Otaku : 2024-01-23 13:02 ID:5C+0ewZH

Haurhi, Konosuba, and Spice & Wolf are probably the series I'd recommend to someone new to LNs. But I'm also a weirdo that likes shit like Boogiepop and that one LN series with the vampire astronaut so I have no idea what its like to have good taste.

4 Name: Anonymous Otaku : 2024-01-23 16:27 ID:YaxeK3RF
In my early teens I did not understand it so much or did not want to understand it, but as I got older I realized I had lived all of it and how truly pathetic I was. I appreciate this novel a lot now. I think anyone who ends up here will find it relatable, either the present or from a past self.

5 Name: Anonymous Otaku : 2024-03-20 11:16 ID:23brhLyv

mushoku tensei, the anime's ending got me interested in the rest of the story and it only recently released the final volume in english.
i don't have much experience with LNs either, but that one is really simple and easy to read.

6 Name: Anonymous Otaku : 2024-04-20 12:22 ID:YWIlDFLu

I thought I already posted in this thread, weird.
Kyoukai senjou no horizon is a really good series. The anime adaptation is well known for being hard to follow, but the LN is much more readable because you can hear character's internal monologues describing what they're doing and why. Although it's classed as a light novel, the novels are hardly "light", they're massive. It's very good though.

7 Name: Anonymous Otaku : 2024-04-22 16:29 ID:wmzeLijm

Boogiepop Series is really fun if you read it while listening to the songs that are referenced in the book

8 Name: Anonymous Otaku : 2024-05-01 01:22 ID:o3LXaLe4

boogiepop? sounds like a song

9 Name: Anonymous Otaku : 2024-05-02 12:03 ID:moFSKva9

Seconding Welcome to the NHK. If you're the sort of person who's browsed textboards a lot, it almost certainly hits home on a number of topics relating to old school "otaku" culture, depression, and addiction.

The worst LNs I ever read were Sword Art Online 1-3, when assured by my friend that the anime (which I had not, and still haven't watched) was garbage and the LNs were actually good. This was not the case - I will never get back the time spent on those novels.
My overall vibe was "reminiscent of [type-moon's] Nasu's work, but a lot worse", though I get that the series started as a fanfictiony web novel. Maybe this is par for the course for many LNs though and I'm being too harsh. I read the Haruhi LNs back in the day for validation about my pet theories on Kyon's abilities but they never came. It was good I guess - it's been too long to really think about it objectively. Perhaps a re-read is in order!

10 Name: Anonymous Otaku : 2024-05-03 19:47 ID:DA0mudp/

Welcome to the NHK isn't an LN!! It's just a novel.

11 Name: Anonymous Otaku : 2024-05-07 16:55 ID:Heaven

that makes sense tbh

12 Name: Anonymous Otaku : 2024-05-25 15:25 ID:ldpBj/lf

uh... what is the difference? Aren't light novels just regular novels but with animu stuff? (´・ω・`)

13 Name: Anonymous Otaku : 2024-06-05 07:34 ID:0/cC/Si1


You are wrong.

14 Name: Anonymous Otaku : 2024-06-09 22:50 ID:IbS2JOYU

Whether something is a novel or light novel is determined solely by the publisher. It's like how if something is published by DC Comics it's going to be considered "superheroes" even if no one actually has superpowers (say, Batman vs the Joker.) Or in anime/manga, like how anything published in Shonen Jump is "shonen" even if it's romance or magical girl (genres usually associated with shoujo.)

Welcome to the NHK was published by Kadokawa Shoten, who are an LN publisher. Outside Japan it was published by Tokyopop who deal even more exclusively in LNs.

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