Why is English so inconsistent? (25)

17 Name: Tchotchke : 2010-09-27 05:07 ID:OLvnpYEv

A language, in the most dynamic and general sense has the tendency to be immensely fluid in its capacities; it adapts to necessity, and is developed through habituation. As such, a language like English, which is in turn an amalgam of other languages of varying syntax, takes on a unique ability, that which allows the speaker to stretch the language around her meaning, rather than clunkily fitting the meaning into a sparse word or two. The Germanic sentence structures, which are as many as the countless Germanic tribes which invaded England throughout the early centuries A.D., combined with the Latinate influences, and later on direct French conquest, created an environment for our language to take a remarkably unique form in structure, and an even more unique approach to malleability.
It's the idea of the dictionary that suppresses its growth, solidifies its borders. The presence of dictionaries is not a cultural statement, it was a political one; the English, and to a lesser extent to start, the mainland Europeans, sought to unify her people by standardizing the language. Wessex and Wales would both speak the Queen's English. But I digress, at least somewhat; glib or otherwise, our language is pretty plastic.


fuck you; you're the reason our world has digressed into its A.D.D.-ridden frenzy that can barely pay attention to more than 5 seconds of a shot on television without being bored. Christ, information won't magically pop out at you.

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