I'm Japanese and 15 years old.
I have studied English for 3 years, but I can't speak English well.
Would you teach me English?
Watashi wa nihongo wo benkyou shimasu. Kanji ya goi ya bunpou nado wa sonna ni muzukashiku nai ga demo kaiwa wa taihen desu. Hanashi aite ga nai kara nakanaka jouzu ni narimasen. Konna baai wa dou sureba ii no ka sappari wakarimasen...
Actually Japanese is known for its easy pronunciation.
Yes, I also find it easy to pronounce. It's just that reading it in romaji throws me off, because I can't recognize the words right away, like with kanji.
Hi, what do you think about covid-19?
viruses don't exist at all, you all have been deceived.