Why are guys so pussy whipped all the time? (40)

26 Name: Secret Admirer : 2011-09-27 17:30 ID:uAvKwYmp

Surely men are all perfect. Not a single one of them is mean, not a single one of them lies, not a single one of them kills, not a single one of them rapes, destroys or wages revenge. In fact, there are more women doing all these things than men doing these things.

Stop fooling yourself into believing women should be perfect. No one's perfect, not your pseudo-nihilist self, not anyone.

Come on people, stop saying you're nihilists. Everyone knows you're just finding an excuse to be an idiot who doesn't care about anything. In the end, it's obvious that you care and it's obvious that you do feel. You're not a nihilist, you're just a hurt person. And like any other hurt person, you should do your best to regain trust and love for the world. There's no point in keeping yourself bathed in emotional pain, you should just let go and stop pretending you're not suffering through giving others harsh words.

It's time to stop this reckless pointless passive aggressive behaviour.

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