There's no such thing as love... (36)

1 Name: Zennigata : 2006-05-16 18:09 ID:IQcPey03 This thread was merged from the former /love/ board. You can view the archive here.

My heart is sorta sunk right now... Every day we shared so much. I went to bed one night thinking of my future, what I need to accomplish in order to take care of her... and the next night I fall asleep out of exhaustion... crying... wondering why she suddenly decides to move away on her own will, but instead of even giving me the chance of going with her, she turns cold blooded on me and doesn't even shead a tear of regret...

Fuck love... There's no such thing... Its only a primal emotion that no longer serves a purpose in today's world of lies, deception, and hate. Fuck it all...

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