Trolling culture (120)

45 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 2005-05-11 18:47 ID:oLdXtaoE

was just flamebaiting, failed too, how could people not protest using meaningful discussion and 4chan in the same paragraph without the words nonexistant somewhere inbetween

but anyway, real trolling should be really subtle so as to entertain the smallest number of people possible.

a given piece of trolling has 100entertaining, if four people are in on the joke each clearly gets 25entertaining each (or if one of the four only gets part of the joke and the others realize it his share diminishes and the entertaingings are evenly distributed amongst those who realized said winner was not in on the whole thing) however if 50 people get it the there are only 2 entertainings apiece (or some pretty long-winded math if only a few get it completely) and ultimately it is not as enjoyable. it should also be noted that humor ferments, kinda, as in, it gets better with time. so if you don't get it at first , then it hits you a few days later it will usually pack a greater punch as you can also laugh at yourself for being so thick (this, i am told, does not count for americans, sucks to be them).

it's time people realized humor is a commodity


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