Google buys YouTube. (40)

13 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2013-10-03 03:53 ID:N9FODuEJ

I feel like I'm in a wasteland. A desert. I see the threads have shifted position, but it's only a mirage. The oasis I thought I saw was only "Top lel."

I continue to roam this barren place. The survivor's colony at DQN shuns people such as myself, the "other-boarders." The creatures I come across are few and far between, and I can not call them posters. You are one of the better ones. Not spam.

This hell was created by idealists such as this:

This may be my last entry, or just another of many. If there are any others using this site, hello. I hope this finds you before the servers are no longer online.

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