日本語最高!Japanese is the highest! (134)

117 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2007-04-21 19:16 ID:c1OFTjiu

>>All who is reading this thread.

I know you all are feeling strange because suddenly Japanese start talking about Koreans.
(半島 peninsula, 朝鮮 Chosun, Zapanese and チョン chon or チョソ choso means Koreans)
There are so long and complicated stories between Japanese and Koreans, and there is no space to
explain it all.

So I wish you take note and memorize following only few points.

-Native speakers of Japanese are not always Japanese. They could be Koreans in Japan
(Most of them are descendants of illegal immigrants).

-Therefore if some arrogant or mean messages are posted on the Internet suddenly with natural
Japanese, you have to suspect that those ware posted by Koreans in Japan.

-They are Koreans in Japan, not Korean-Japanse.
In spite of the tolerant policy of naturalization by Japanese government, they chose to
unite with only themselves for pursuit survival and prosperity for only themselves.

-To keep their sense of unity, they've kept teaching and training each other to hate whole
Japanese things: people, culture, history and stuff like that, although they spend their whole
life in Japan.

-For the circumstances mentioned above, they think that the less respected Japan is,
the less confident Japanese are, and it is good for their activities for gaining their
own privileges.
(Please refer to their lobbying and astro-turfing about "Comfort Women by Japan empire")

-Even without such a clear consciousness of political position that I wrote, Koreans always
pretend Japanese reflexively while they do any bad things.
(Please refer to their plan to pretend Japanese after V.T. massacre on some TV interviews.
And I apologize for touching the sensitive issue to you all.)

-Finally, for defense of Korean's side, it doesn't mean all Koreans are such annoying people.
Only annoying and aggressive persons have chosen to stay being Koreans in Japan.
All other normal people naturalized in Japan long long before and there remains only
annoying people as Koreans in Japan. So I think.

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