アメリカ人は日本人にひどいことしたよね(´・ω・`) (419)

106 名前: Jugem : 2007-01-28 05:57 ID:Ulo59kNM

Comment to 名無しさん@日本語勉強中

I would like to know who the hell is still brainwashing this shit to you. Is it coming from your Grandparents, your Mother, your Father or your Teacher(s).

Are you asking apologize from U.S. Government or the pilot who droped the A-bumb?

Are you Hibaku-shia? If not, I think your comment is offensive to me.

Japanese had done many horable things to American and other countries' men and weman, too. You better think why War had occurred and how come no one could stop it at the time.

Also did you ever considered about Nikkei-jin. They are betrayed by their beloved countries, both, from Japan and USA.

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