I need some good reasons for why ("normal") sex isn't a bad/gross thing one needs to avoid when in a loving relationship with someone, whether it be very long term (even including marriage) or shorter term.
one-night stand reasons need not apply.
None of these reasons either:
I would like some practical reasons for why it's actually useful for the relationship, as well as for the people involved with it. I also would like reasons for why jacking off isn't in the same league as sex within a stable and loving relationship (even though jacking off isn't a bad thing to do at all).
Most of you seem to be a clever bunch, I'd be happy and grateful for any help with this issue. I hope it isn't a too tall order.
Sex creates a physical bond within a relationship. Sex is essential within a relationship to form a connection.
Plus, it's an enjoyable, exhilirating activity for both parties (if you do it right).
Also exercise.
When an intimate relationship, sex can be a spiritual, mental and emotional expression (hard to explain but I hope you get the drift). It's where two people can really be intimate and enjoying at the same time.
Jacking Off = You + Your Hand
Sex = You + Her Hand j/k You + Her
See the difference? It's one of the ways to maintain a healthy relationship although not really mandatory in some cases. Sex in a "real" loving relationship surpasses physical meaning.
It's fun for the whole family!
Invite all your friends!
Sex is like some sort of drive, like a certain specification humans have. Although other mammals, protozoa, plants and fungi, etc., have their own means for reproduction, humans make their means of reproduction rather different (in their own perspective).
For example, the internet demonstrates sex as if it where like ogrish.com, and like some sort of temporal enjoyment for a person rather than a couple. (So sad)
But, sex, in a relationship such as bf-gf and as what sex is really ment to be, is the highest point of union. Sex is an excersise of love, in which both beings unite into a single being (as if the humans left behind their bodies and their souls became one), and such creates a great moment for the both of them, in their relationship and etc.
People in this world, including the internet, make it look like a snuff theater, like gore, filthy content for our filthy minds and purposes (so sad). But really, sex is an enjoyable thing. It even shows you how humane you are (if the couple enjoys it).
Sex is healthy!!
It's like an excersise for the body and soul.
juzt to stick your love rod in there and punchpunchpunchpunchpunchpunch untill... untill... oh yeah... GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Not really, I just needed other people to say the same things I did in the hopes of getting a friend to stop being so emo about himself and sex. What I say doesn't seem to sink into his head, because he sees me as some weird exception to the rest of the world. So I figured if more people said similar stuff, then surely he'd realize that maybe he shouldn't be so quick to dismiss what I say about the subject.
The flavour of guilt he suffers from isn't Catholic, but it's definitely as bad. I just need to get him to admit that he has a problem (unrealistical opinions of sex, as in it being really gross no matter what, unless it's two virgins having sex on their wedding night, and no sex except for the kind that is done to get offspring) and needs want to get help for it, as he feels horribly bad and distgusted with himself for not being a virgin any more, as well as utterly grossed out with himself for having sexual desires.
And what's wrong with that?
I think >>1 asked a normal (somewhat phylosophical) question.
Personally, sex can be the maximum intimity in a relationship, something that hold the partners together. Although it's not always necessary for a relationship to work.
Sadly in my case, I was too shy to step forward and eventually my girl left me. Hence I'm still a virgin at the age of 23...
I feel sex is an important block in building a relationship. It can show that you trust each other enough to release all social barriers and simply be together in a physical motion.
When two minds are connected they are still alone in body. Sex is the link between bodies that is truely the symbol of a true union.
Sex brings two people together by fostering and demonstrating trust. The closer you get to another person -- physically, emotionally -- the more vulnerable you become. By having sex with someone, you trust her or him not to take advantage of you, to hurt you, or to degrade you (unless it's consentual; vulnerability play is integral to BDSM).
If it all works out, then the two of you become even closer through sex, and it brings a whole new depth into your relationship. If it doesn't, though, the scars can be pretty wicked.
I would say the simplest way to sum it up is sex is the greatest form of trust.
For people like us that may be true, but there are plenty of people who have sex with others not because they trust them
particularly, but because they get a kick out of the whole situation, physical sensations as well as the possible dangers, so there's that aspect of it as well. Though that is indeed related to the trust issue.
Apart from that, there are also people who deludedly think nothing bad could ever really happen to them, so they go around being reckless in their life, including with their sexuality.
Sex is for the babies. If by the end of the night, the girl in my bed isn't pregnant, I did perform my God-given duty as a man.
Just kidding. Sex neeeds not a purpose. It IS the purpose. Why did you do anything with anyone today? Because if you sat in your house and fapped all day to porn, you wouldn't get sex. On the other hand, if all you did today was stay at your house and fap, then the reason you did so was to deceive your penis who is doing its best to get you the sex you need and deserve. And lastly, if all you did today was stay at your house and fap, but you do not have a penis, please IM me, because we have much to discuss.
My SN is NotAnOtaku69.
"And lastly, if all you did today was stay at your house and fap, but you do not have a penis, please IM me, because we have much to discuss. "
I liked this line XD
Spoiler: You're a dumb cunt XD
You have to admit, it was a pretty good line.
This man has skills =P
It is pointless, and should be used for nothing but reproduction. We have the ability to artificially inseminate now, and I would like to see the practice of intercourse go away at some point in the future.
Saying shit like "Lol, bonding time" and "Lol, yor in LOVE" is just some idiot's way of justifying his desire for sexual pleasure.
>>14, just what the fuck is the point of developing trust with a woman? The answer is more sex for you.
Just because you LIKE having SEX and it FEELS GOOD doesnt mean you NEED it. Sex is a WANT caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. You are FAR more productive without a sexlife.
Sex is a tool that women use so they can take our money and buy shoes. There, fucking spoiler. Its about time we find a bitch, pull all her eggs out, and figure out a way to reproduce with an synthetic womb or some shit. Women are inferior.
cut out the middleman and have sex with a shoe
damn straight. I bet the shoe would be more responsive too.
>>29 figure out a way to reproduce with an synthetic womb
That and lolimaidbots will make women useless forever.
>>32 the inventor of lolitron will be a rich man.
Humans, apart from dolphins are the only species to have sex for pleasure. it goes to show that if dolphines d it too then it cant be wrong. It is away of strengthening a bond in a relationship and of getting closer to another human being. If done right its about the closest two people can get. For some people that kind of inimacy is reasuring and in a way necessary. Everybody needs love and it is just a way of showing your love for another person that goes abve and beyond what you do to show love to friends and family. but for others its just about the sex. (the pure physical pleasure)
I like to play tennis with my friend because it's fun and it feels good. Sorry for being so selfish.
>>36 Please check your sources on that one. Plenty of species have homosexual experiences for bonding or pleasure, which have nothing to do with reproducing.
I dont pretend to know everything
was just quoating a fact that i had herd, which is at least partly true. i just wanted to answere the post that sex is not just about sex...some of the time...and that for some people the point of it is the emotional connection as well as the physical pleasure.
>I feel sex is an important block in building a relationship. It can show that you trust each other enough to release all social barriers and simply be together in a physical motion.
Looks like I'll never have sex then because I have never trusted someone even close to this level before. Not that I mind, because the thought of trusting anyone with something so delicate is too scary for me to enjoy anything anyway.