Genuine Loners - Coping with Society (149)

48 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-02 05:53 ID:h9u1XIau

I spend most of my time alone. I play MMO's and that is enough social interaction for me.

I don't really care if others think something is wrong with me because I'm a loner. Everyone has something wrong with them.

Not many people talk to me. I'm not that interesting and can't relate to people nowadays. When someone starts speaking to me I feign interest and just nod with the occasional "yeah." There isn't much I have a lot to say about.

I really don't like talking to people. I will if I have to though. Hell, I get annoyed when my long-time friend or my own mother calls me on the phone.

I always feel kind of empty but I've grown accustom to it.

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