Genuine Loners - Coping with Society (149)

55 Name: Anonymous : 2007-07-10 00:51 ID:EL6xJ0/8

You all who say that you like being alone really are just shy to go out and make friends or hang out with current friends. You use the excuse 'I like being alone' because it gives you a reason to stay in your house all day watching anime, lurking 4-ch (and not posting except in here BRANCH OUT ITS DEAD OUT OF HERE), etc.

Believe me, I know, because this basically is me. I'm sure you all think that you would like to be with someone SOMETIME. Yes, I like browsing the computer, watching anime, checking up here and on other *chan sites, etc. I also would like to go out more with friends, make more friends, and just get more active.

Don't fool yourself by saying that you just like to be along. Look at the real hikkys who stay in their room for MONTHS and YEARS at a time. Do you really want to be like that? I'd suggest reading some stories about hikkys, they are very informative.

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