Genuine Loners - Coping with Society (149)

72 Name: Anonymous : 2007-09-23 12:46 ID:vx2V1j8g

My brothers girlfriend asked me one day, "why don't you be more social?" and I said to her "what's wrong with being alone? I like my own company, don't you?" and she shuddered and said "I hate my own company, I have to be around people".

How can you hate your own company? Surely that shows an insecurity in yourself? I love my own company, I feel at home, and at peace.

I'm not in other people dramas or trivial problems, and I can analyse my own problems and try and fix them. I hate being social. Why the hell should I put on some act, when everyone else is doing the same? Life is full of falsities and niceties that in the end, we're all acting and nothing is real. At least in my own head I know I'm being myself.

So being alone is preferential, thank you very much.

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