Ways to kill self (45, permasaged)

7 Name: Anonymous : 2006-10-22 18:18 ID:OPCPs5Oo

This is fasism. Why shouldn´t people discuss this stuff here? Because the subject is taboo? Because it may offend somebody? Those are no reasons to ban this discussion. When you´re at it why don´t you permasage every topic that involves depression, alienation, loneliness or any negative feelings humanbeing might experience in general. The whole board really loses it´s point if people aren´t allowed to discuss their personal issues -whatever they might be- as openly as possible. There´s no justification for limiting the discussion.

FOR MODERATORS INFORMATION: It´s completely normal to have these kind of thoughts. Everyone has them at some point of their lives. AND people need and want to discuss them just like any other personal subject. It´s not like everyone who mentions the magic word "suicide" is going kill or harm themselves (or in need proffessional help for that matter). Usually this only happens when person can´t express or deal with those thoughts and/or emotions in any other way. So the current moderation is not only cowardly and hypocritical but also irresponsible.

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