Ever feel you don't belong in this era? (114)

102 Name: Anonymous : 2013-04-15 19:49 ID:lLGYEC9s

Yeah, this era does suck in quite a few ways. The decline of human interaction, and decay of reading/writing abilities due to mobile devices and "text speak" sucks - those in the past were far better spoken without such distractions.

The sucky, repetitive quality music has taken on also makes this a crummy era. In the past, you could trace major developments in music ranging from stuff like the Beatles/Stones/Hendrix 60's to the hard/prog/glam etc. 70's, to the distinct 80's right up to grunge. Now, for the most part, mainstream music is just a grinding miasma of overproduced pop and derivative rap. History and progression in music has just halted, much like the way fashion has stagnated in comparison to developments in the 20th century.

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