how old are you people? (or: does it matter?) (25)

20 Name: Anonymous : 2011-11-16 22:25 ID:2YxRK+jh

I'm 19 like most of you. I don't have a problem meeting people. I don't dislike people in my age group usually, the same goes for people of any age.

Sometimes I'll just tackle encounters with older people in a way that's really just for the hell of it. I'm taking a class involving blacksmithing, and there's a man who is probably around 30 years old in there, among mostly earlier 20's people. He's very sociable and is super involved in the course like you wouldn't believe. Some of the things he says though, it just puts me off. As in, some of the things he says to me are creepy.

One day after class, me and him were in the shop, all others had left. . .

"You insanity and genius are closely related?"

Excuse me?, I reply. Then he started to almost immediately go into discussion on why we are going to school and the reasons why he is. Out of nowhere this guy started off on a philosophical lecture, noting to me that I should do what interests me, and to live richy, fully, deeply.

The whole time I just did not expect such a thing, and I was like Uhm ohkay.

There are some other grownups at my school as well. I have some in another course sitting next to me. I get along with them fine, but simply because they're normal people who keep normal boundaries in normal ways. And then there's the old people in the halls who rave about their math courses and how much they love them--"Ahh, trigonometry 1 was a fun fun course, but I really just had to take 1.5 the next semester. You just [i]can't[/i] quite dive in with your eyes open without 1.5" And they're so enthusiastic when they're talking about it too. Full eye contact, tone expressions, they are just in the mood to learn, the minute they step out of bed.

I've never had older friends though, so I'm still on the other side of the glass as of now.

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