Hello everyone, this is my first time posting on 4-ch. I really need some advice. Even though I have been in Japan for almost 4 years, I have no real friends here. I know this maybe crazy to ask but I'm looking for a girlfriend and I don't know how to go about it. I have been talking to this one girl on Line, but I don't think it's going anywhere. How do I go about this being the type of person who basically stays at home except for going to work.
>How do I go about this being the type of person who basically stays at home except for going to work.
You need friends, first and foremost.
Get out of the house. Ask your co-workers out, stick to them, find people out of that group that have thing in common with you, bond and eventually you will met girls.
^be advised, this is advice coming from a total fucking loser
hahaha fuck, we're on the same boat. living here for 4.5years still no GF. All flirtings