I love men, as a man (41, permasaged)

28 Name: Anonymous Counsellor : 2022-05-28 16:34 ID:f3FcYH1C

Some other men loving brunette ladies doesn't mean you have to, nor that it's okay for you to bully men who love brunettes. Some other men being into giant boobs doesn't mean you have to, nor that you get to bully them. Other men being into different types of men means as little to your life and preferences, and you don't get to be vile at them either. Are you going to freak out about your (presumed) disgust of natto every time you see soy beans or actual natto too? Make a scene at any restaurant you discover serves natto? Are you going to strive to make nobody allowed to like natto? Going to demand nobody gets to be attracted to women you aren't attracted to either?

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