just nutted (21)

9 Name: Anonymous Counsellor : 2024-02-10 21:28 ID:qPu1SaF2

anon, everyone knows there are no superpowers involved, the real superpower is the ability of the sharp focus you might gain if you improved your life in general, the thing is that this addiction plagues your mind, destroys your life in the extension of that, therefore you'll need to regain your lost "superpowers" which you used to have as a kid.
the nofap is nothing more than a desire of self-preservation.
its a notification, sent by god or some say the universe; which also can mean nature, your own nature. when you dive deeper in those addictions you tend to start hating your own self for your addictions which is a natural response to your anti-producionary habits; a waste of life, is hate for life.
the wet dreams are also another notification; for excessive production, its a call to get you a female, if you don't the body will simply let that amount go out of it so it can keep produce. its natural, you'll need to be patient until you can get a fem.

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