The reality is hitting... (7)

1 Name: chudilius : 2024-06-25 14:24 ID:FxahLRg9

The reality is I am not a warrior/hunter, I'm more of a gatherer, I gather info, books and ideas. whilst the warrior the chad lives by instinct and natural order he wins in life while I keep on hoping that the more I know the probable I'd get that qt3.141 the chad gets effortlessly.
he was a result of a good line of births, while am a crooked teeths weak jaw chinlet porn addict geek result of weak line of births. He was driven by nature, and nature rewarded him. I am not even driven I have deep self-hate for my weakness and that is the only reason I still hope, for it hate is a form of self-love in depth, I have relied on my brains to win the natural order preference.
I see clearly now, this is the reality and I have to face it; there's no better order than the natural order supported by mind.
The grass is not enough, and I need to be lost in woods.
I accept myself, and I will help it to trust its instinct, for me I am what stopping nature from exercising its will, and through me it should will, for me I realize this.
Thus A warrior could be born.
hope for me the best.

2 Name: Anonymous Counsellor : 2024-07-04 20:45 ID:eecVpYAG


Stopped reading there. Please kill yourself.

3 Name: Anonymous Counsellor : 2024-07-05 00:11 ID:3ddzuQzz

This. Learn to articulate your ideas without twittertard buzzwords, OP.

4 Name: Anonymous Counsellor : 2024-07-23 12:06 ID:AUN9ufgX


>the chud can't stand remembering the existence of superior kinds.

5 Name: Anonymous Counsellor : 2024-07-26 11:33 ID:5+wPAa2J

It's a word used to express an idea that has become very relevant in the past decade, though it has always been a fact. I don't see the issue.

6 Name: Anonymous Counsellor : 2024-07-27 08:17 ID:Heaven

You are retarded OP. You’ve let aforementioned Twitter buzzwords and shit memes distort your view of reality. Please check in to your local psyche ward or bash your head in with a mallet.

7 Name: Anonymous Counsellor : 2024-08-08 11:08 ID:Heaven



you do realize these memes were born and made on chans and only recently got adopted into twitter and others?

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