For context, I'm an autistic ass in a third world country where just randomly talking to random people is seen as creepy...
I don't know if I'm missing something simple here. But how should one meet new people outside work or uni?
Join an club or a hobby group for something your interested in. Language classes are great because you can be socially retarded and everyone thinks part of the learning process. If you live in a big city you should be able to find groups you can join.
I get the impression that in the modern age, your not supposed to meet people outside of work and college. I’ve had younger people tell me it’s considered offensive to start conversations based on chance encounters or just ask people about their day. Hopefully, your third world country is less retarded.
> I’ve had younger people tell me it’s considered offensive to start conversations based on chance encounters or just ask people about their day.
They're right you know.
How is it so difficult for some people to get through their heads that if people aren't going to some place that's designed to be a hangout/meetup type of thing, they're generally only out of their homes for business purposes that don't involve dealing with random jackasses that have no boundaries and nothing better to do than bother people?
Given that the main reasons people go around accosting others in public are either to try to sell them something, to sign them up for some cause/religion, to beg, or to be sexually creepy, the initial signal you're sending is that you either are someone annoying, or are oblivious / don't care that you're perceived as someone annoying.
Since I might as well try to add some value to this thread beyond just ranting, I would suggest that if OP is the type of autist with an obsessive interest, and can deal with that type of scene, try to find a club / convention that caters to that interest maybe. But the "third world country" bit suggests to me that might've already been looked at and found lacking.