I'm tired of being alone (10)

5 Name: Anonymous Counsellor : 2024-11-10 13:10 ID:z3xeA3pV

>>2 here: OP, I believe even if you manage to gain a friend group, you will still remain unhappy once you realize how superficial and brutish the common man is. I tried to socialize in highschool and became disillusioned with social life in general, so I speak from experience here. Most people socialize in order to satisfy their basest of desires, to them socializing is not any different from eating or reproducing, once you realize that you can ditch forming close bonds with others in favor of attaining spiritual enlightenment. Every major religious prophet (Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad etc.) or sage has gotten their wisdom from years of solitude, not meaningless chit-chat. If you wish to speak to others only for pointless small talk, that is incredibly easy: go to some social event in your town and try to speak to anybody there. If you, however, wish to form a bond with someone that goes beyond the flesh, that is nigh impossible.

I am not some pessimist or nihilist: I am an idealist, I believe in ideals, and most of mankind does not conform to my idealized version of man (and neither do they want to), and that saddens me. They live just to survive, like the animals of our world, and will do anything that will get them an advantage in life over their brothers (including immoral acts). If these are the people you wish to associate with: go and mingle with them. If they are not: save yourself and leave them be.

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