Who here is anti-Communist? (169)

145 Name: Citizen : 2008-07-29 19:28 ID:LqXtNlF8


I don't know if you noticed, but people tend not to spend the money they get from tax cuts. They save it. That's why tax cuts don't work. And if you dump 250,000$ on a bunch of people do you really expect them to spend wisely? I'm sure you've heard about what happens to lottery winners. How they end up worse off then they ever had been. They live beyond their means and pay for it when they run out of money.

We've already got a lot of people trying to live beyond their means thanks to our consumer culture. You couldn't give those people money and expect them to use it in a manner that would actually help them in the long run.

In theory a Nationalized Health Insurance Company might not be such a terrible idea. But where would these people go for health care? One would assume that those with money and better health care plans would have the priority for treatment and ultimately get better treatment in the end. Those using the State owned system would have to wait their turn.

Or would the government open hospitals or clinics to deal with these clients? Would Student Doctors be treating these patients?

Why not just have clinics make a workable payment plan for their patients, irregardless of their health care options, and then have the difference count as a charitable tax write off or something to that extent. It could be an option for doctors who would want to go that route and really help people.

Or they could just run a free clinic of sorts on their own volition.

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