Islam and violence (140)

1 Name: Citizen : 2006-09-28 22:39 ID:YfSnCEnq

Muslims in the United States have proven themselves to be loyal to their country and politically moderate. But around the world, especially in Europe, Islam is increasingly viewed as a danger, and young Muslims as unpatriotic. Is this an appropriate bias in dangerous times, or is it bigotry? And what makes the United States different?

134 Name: AZRAEL : 2008-07-15 05:01 ID:Heaven

Man!!! You are so cool!!!

135 Name: AZRAEL : 2008-07-15 05:02 ID:Heaven

but it's a double post =_______________=

136 Name: Citizen : 2008-07-15 17:22 ID:Yx65Z0mn


'Tis a problem with the network at the office over here. Sometimes, our server doublesend information. theres nothing I can do about it and the network admins are incompetent. I used to think it was me because it only started happening recently but my departmental inbox if full of double and triple copies of the same email from different people. I just tested it out.

137 Name: Citizen : 2008-07-15 17:22 ID:Yx65Z0mn


'Tis a problem with the network at the office over here. Sometimes, our server doublesend information. theres nothing I can do about it and the network admins are incompetent. I used to think it was me because it only started happening recently but my departmental inbox if full of double and triple copies of the same email from different people. I just tested it out.

138 Name: Citizen : 2008-07-15 17:22 ID:Yx65Z0mn


'Tis a problem with the network at the office over here. Sometimes, our server doublesend information. theres nothing I can do about it and the network admins are incompetent. I used to think it was me because it only started happening recently but my departmental inbox if full of double and triple copies of the same email from different people. I just tested it out.

139 Name: AZRAEL : 2008-07-15 18:40 ID:Heaven

>>136 gets worser....

140 Name: Citizen : 2008-07-16 15:53 ID:Yx65Z0mn


imma avoid posting for a while. looks like they got people on the problem but i wanna make sure the problem is gone

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