The 2 Channel — English Navigator page currently reads:
> ... Please send corrections, additions, requests, and the like to Squeeks. If you are requesting a new board addition, please give both the name and the section under which it is listed. A suggested translation or explanation is appreciated.
However, Squeeks is gone. Many board links are old. There are a few new boards as well. Do you need specific suggestions on this matter, or is it something you can accomplish on your own?
I know it seems like a lot of work because pretty much all of the urls have changed, and maybe no one cares besides me, but please consider it...
did bps die?
Sorry, I've been a bit busy the last few weeks with exams and travelling. I will change the Squeeks thing to bps after this post.
You are right that a lot of it is outdated, and I would definitely like to see it be up to date. That said, I don't know if I am the right guy to fix all of these links given that I know hardly any Japanese. If you are capable of doing it then I would greatly appreciate it, but if not I might spend an evening giving it a go.
Feel free to talk to me directly about it on IRC as well (#4-ch @
I spent the afternoon working on it and all should be up to date now. Check it out: (Make sure you properly reload the page, since frames can be weird. It has changed, trust me.)
For reference, the old version is now kept here:
I've removed dead links, added the new boards, updated all the old links, and made a few style changes. I also did the necessary things to make it HTML5 compliant (except frames, which are apparently deprecated - I will fix this another time though).
The only outstanding problem is that some of the translations are still not 100% (surrounded by question marks, etc.). If anybody wants to contribute better translations I will happily add them. In the mean time I think it is fit for purpose. I might also ask a friend who knows Japanese to give some attention to it - we'll see.
I hope you are satisfied with it.
It's lovely, thank you for taking the time.
As for translations, so far I've noticed that ほのぼのnews+, in the news section, still says femalenews+, which is the title of a very old board, from perhaps 2006 or so. So it's probably not really an error of translation, but rather an old oversight that no one discovered.
Also, Liaisons is misspelled.
Some new boards you missed (unless they were added between the time you updated it and now!?!):
in the Entertainment category:
アジアエンタメ Asia entertainment
in the Manga, Books, etc. category:
電子書籍 e-books
ノベルキャラ novel characters
Heartwarming News+ sounds good.
Thanks for all your hard work!
on second thought, under Liaisons, the word ほのぼの was translated as Pleasant. So if you care about being consistent, you could do Pleasant News+. But Heartwarming is nice too.
A new board has been added
A board for microblogging... that's interesting
and the admin posts in English
yeah, I don't know if Code Monkey even speaks Japanese