Any ideas on how to improve the site? (13)

1 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2017-09-08 05:03 ID:lT2CFruO

The site is fine as it is for me, but some small change WOULD be great. The site feels kinda stagnant.

More board skins, perhaps? Something modern.

Or maybe a customizable skin where you get to use your own wallpaper on the board. Locally though.

Or a mobile app.


2 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2017-09-08 16:01 ID:aeSyCdMa

Maybe something like ?
The repos haven't been updated in a year, though.

3 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2017-09-08 16:10 ID:Heaven

From what I checked, it can archive inactive threads (like 2ch does) or old threads (like Futaba), IDs change every 24 hours (like 2ch), automatic noko for textboards (like 2ch), it can make both imageboards and textboards, autorefresh for the textboards, a dynamic home, oekaki (PaintBBS, Tegaki, wPaint, shiPainter), etc. I'm probably missing some things, and I've got no idea if these are part of the github release.

4 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2017-09-12 09:55 ID:lVPRy44P

Site can be improved by deleting it

5 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2017-09-24 05:30 ID:6snoIBPa

FB adverts. Worked for the Russians.

6 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2018-01-16 03:47 ID:mx4kuvft


7 Post deleted.

8 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2018-02-13 07:14 ID:Heaven

the captcha could use an update

9 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2018-02-24 20:39 ID:rxDkBzLZ

We could get rid of that shit too.

10 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2018-04-14 12:57 ID:Sevf97iC

make the post numbers by board instead of thread so there can be gets

11 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2018-05-16 11:40 ID:Fjs3VJb2

>>8 >>9

We need the captcha to keep those mother-annoying bots away!!

12 Post deleted.

13 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2018-05-28 06:16 ID:q6FUGh7E


Would love if the moderation was more active. Feel like it would fix alot of problems on this site. Maybe more moderation tools too, since this software is so old.

In fact if you just put up a directory page showing who's moderator of each board that would be cool too.

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