Ban the /pol/ fuckers pretending to be communists on /dqn/ (30)

1 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2018-06-25 23:02 ID:jUiuJqzE

Surely what they're doing can be considered as spam, no?

2 Name: mona : 2018-06-28 14:13 ID:j2ACxGOn

hello. I usually leave DQN alone but I will do it.

3 Name: mona : 2018-06-28 14:19 ID:j2ACxGOn

link the bad posts, I can remove it

4 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2018-07-07 06:37 ID:KkHWvtl/


this kind of stuff is enveloping the whole board, with such dedicated and aggressive trolling it's hard to just ignore(i myself have been guilty of getting baited into replying), especially on a small site where a handful of posters can dictate the tone just by posting all day

ive talked to bps about this, and he's concerned about it but says
a) he doesn't have much time to look after the site these days
b) kareha mod tools are an antiquated mess from before 1993 and actually moderating the site is pure ass

5 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2018-07-07 06:40 ID:KkHWvtl/

also on the first page of dqn right now is someone bumping a bunch of 2000 day + old threads with "Right-wingers are fucking retarded!!!!" (direct quote)

6 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2018-07-07 06:58 ID:KkHWvtl/

he's even doing it in the dqn electronics thread

these kids have no fucking respect

7 Name: mona : 2018-07-12 15:56 ID:7x8Qe9mM

hey fasdf, I have deleted all posts. I will ban next time around. If they keep doing it. I'll check this more often, sorry you had to wait so long.

I don't want dqn to go the way of saovq so let's make sure to nip this in the bud.

8 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2018-07-12 21:35 ID:KIqR/ijC

Can you nuke the Russian too?

9 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2018-07-22 21:57 ID:jNso5wcd

He doesn’t seem to have gotten the message continuing to spam the front page and thoughts threads with this shit and anti-DQN condesention.

10 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2018-07-30 03:43 ID:HTfVkBv7

I post opinions and then someone insists that it's a conspiracy, or that I'm actually making posts I didn't make, and then calls me a troll simply because I have strong opinions. But I've decided that it's not even worth it anymore so I won't bother with certain topics here now. But someone else keeps on bringing up posts from the past and is trying to continue the shitstorm even though I am trying to move on.

But apparently it's MY fault. Got it.

I don't usually check the other boards here, but it's silly for people to come here and say I should get banned when there are other agitators as well. I think everyone just needs to chill out and move on.

11 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2018-07-30 04:09 ID:HTfVkBv7

Also, the links people are posting here are blatant cherry picking. Taking posts out of context, completely ignoring the hostile posts from other people (who often start the arguments), and then acting like I'm the only person whose posts should be deleted. Very deceitful on the part of whoever keeps posting the "delete these posts" kinds of posts.

Deleting posts or banning people isn't the solution here. I have given up on posting about politics here from now on, but it takes two to tango. That means other people have to stop too. Everyone just chill out and stop shit-flinging. Then we can all move on and /dqn/ can be nice again.

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